Tag Archives: contouring



Yesterday  was a great day Dubai tv was shooting at the lipstick makeup institute .

However, we introduced The Lipstick Make Up Institute and its services.

All in all how do our students register in our beauty and make up courses and what certificates  do they get ?  

Consequently, we have a great variety of diffresnt courses to choose between  like for example


What do students get?

Firstly, we have a variety of courses,

1 -The International  Platinum Media Diploma makeup course

2  – Gold media makeup course

3 – Silver makeup course

4 – Bronze makeup course

5 – Self makeup application course

6 – Smokey eye makeup course

7 – Bridal makeup course

8 – Stage or catwalk makeup course

9 – Red carpet makeup course

10- Creative makeup course

11- Bollywood makeup course

12- Arabic makeup course

13- Exclusive master class

Secondly,  we explanied about our materials that our students  at The Lipstick Make Up Institute study and work with how many classes do they have to attend . Laos.

how we train them through  practicing and teaching so they graduate with enough knowledge  in all kind of makeup as evening , cocktail , daytime , classical and they can easily work in  fashion and makeup  fields .

Thirdly, we also explained our services for our  YH STUDIOS DXB clients as photoshoots including makeup + hair .

We had our lovely model with gorgeous glam look done by THE LIPSTICK MAKEUP INSTITUTE makeup artist.

Lastly, I explained her look step by step  and what is the 2017  fashion in makeup and hair it was really fun and exciting .


We just want to say Thank you.

Additionally, Thank you Dubai tv for choosing us this is  what hard working do.

Afterwards specially  with a loving talented family as The Lipstick Makeup Institute and YH Studios family.

Another key poine just love what we do and do what we love. Just like our motto says so thats on our wall in the studio reception.

 As a result, we hope you enjoy our behind the scenes photos.

For the same reason we  all continued the shoot in the studio and ha great fun.

Given that enjoy the photos!

Equally important look at our website:

All in all we look forward to seeing you at The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on +971 (0) 528349964.
Tv filming at YH Studios
Photography studio Dubai
Yasmin Hussain
Filming at the institute

IMG_9284 IMG_9301 IMG_9312 IMG_9316 IMG_9327


All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

البلاتين دورة ماكياج

البلاتين دورة ماكياج

اهلا ياجماعة!


الآن سوف نتحدث عن تجربة واحد من طلابنا هنا الذي تولى البلاتين دورة مكياج في لأحمر الشفاه المكياج المعهد الذي تخرج في ديسمبر الماضي 2016.

طار Javaria كل من باكستان إلى الانخراط في معهدنا. وقالت إنها بدأت مع صفر المعرفة في ماكياج. في البداية أنها لا تعرف كيفية التفريق بين الفرق بين الظل من الأساس، ما هو يناسب لون البشرة من شخص واحد. هذه هي الخطوة الأكثر أهمية عند تطبيق الماكياج. الكلمة نفسها،الأساسحقا يقول كل شيء. مثل عند بناء المنزل، وإذا كان لديك أساسا جيدا ثم يمكنك بناء على ذلك بنجاح. التشبيه آخر مثل العلاقة. تبدأ أساسا جيدا ثم وهذا يمكن أن يبنى على وجود علاقة مذهلة يمكن أن تنمو.

بدأنا تبين لها الأدوات، وأنواع مختلفة من فرش. ثم تليها خطوة بخطوة حول كيفية تطبيق ماكياج بدءا من التنظيف، التنغيم والترطيب.

تحليل الشكل، لون البشرة من شخص ليست سهلة للمبتدئين ولكن إذا كان لديك شغف واهتمام لمعرفة ذلك سيأتي من السهل تحديد تماما مثل ما فعل Javaria. تستمع ولاحظ جيدا لمعلمتها لتحقيق هذا النوع من الماكياج لنماذج لها. ببطء يوما بعد يوم عن طريق القيام ماكياج لنماذج لها أنها حققت أنواع مختلفة من نظرة من النهار ننظر إلى المساء، ونظرة براقة. وكذلك نظرة المبدع الذي يتمتعون به للقيام كثيرا.

نلقي نظرة على عمل عينة من المكياج الطلاب. انظروا الى ما تحقق Javaria من مسلكه. على ملعب البلاتين نغطي كل جوانب مختلفة من الماكياج.

يمكنك تحقيق أهدافك معنا في أحمر الشفاه واستوديوهات YH. أصبحنا أفضل يشكلون المعهد في دبي

‘ahlaan yajimaeatan!

alan sawf natahaddath ean tajribat wahid min talabina huna aldhy tawalla albilatayn dawrat makiaaj fi li’ahmar alshshffah almakiaaj almaehad aldhy takhruj fi disambir almadi 2016.

tar Javaria kl min bakistan ‘iilaa alainkhirat fi maeahdina. waqalat ‘innaha bada’at mae sifr almaerifat fi makyaj. fi albidayat ‘annaha la taerif kayfiat alttafriq bayn alfarq bayn alzzll min al’asasi, ma hu yunasib lawn albashrat min shakhs wahda. hadhih hi alkhatwat al’akthar ‘ahammiat eind tatbiq almakiaji. alkalimat nafsiha, “al’asasa” haqqanaan yaqul kl shay’an. mithl eind bina’ almunazzil, wa’iidha kan ladayk ‘asasaan jayidaan thumm yumkinuk bina’an ealaa dhlk binajahi. alttushabbih akhar mithl alealaqat. tabda ‘asasaan jayidaan thumm wahadha ymkn ‘an yabnaa ealaa wujud ealaqat mudhhilat ymkn ‘an tanmu.


tahlil alshkl, lawn albashrat min shakhs laysat sahlatan lilmubtadiiyn walakun ‘iidha kan ladayk shaghf waihtimam limaerifat dhlk sayati min alssahl tahdid tamamaan mithl ma faeal Javaria. tastamie walahaz jayidaan limaelimatiha litahqiq hdha alnnawe min almakiaj linumadhij laha. bbt’ yawmaan baed yawm ean tariq alqiam makiaj linumadhij laha ‘annaha haqqaqat ‘anwae mukhtalifat min nazrat mmin alnnahar nanzur ‘iilaa almasa’i, wanazrat biraqatan. wakadhalik nazrat almubdie aldhy yatamattaeun bih lilqiam kathira.

yumkinuk tahqiq ‘ahdafik maeana fi ‘ahmar alshshffah wastawdyuhat YH. ‘asbahna ‘afdal yushakkilun almaehad fi dibay.

As I have said, a portfolio can also be useful when applying for makeup opportunities. 

All in all the course is about learning and about you. 

Above all we look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a look at our website to get some ideas. 

During the course work with photographers.

Because we have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج


Spooky Halloween

Spooky Halloween

Its that time of year again, halloween is nearly upon us!

I got the girls to get the stage make up out and get practising their spooky skills as we have many bookings over this crazy period that we love. Its different, fun and ever so creative.

We have many projects going on. My team are working at Billionaire Mansion which is in Touch Hotel this week too making the staff look spooky and creating a fun atmosphere in the Club.

There is no pattens really with Halloween make up unless you want something specific. You can just get a face and let your hands and mind start wondering! Thats the fun in it.

Look here is a ghost at my desk ha!!

If you are going to a party or just want to dress up  and have some fun with your friends then call us and we will be happy to make you look the scariest we can.

We have the talent, the skills and the enthusiasm to be creative with your face so let us ha ha.


Here at The Lipstick make Up institute we have fun and also our sister company  #yhstudiosdxb we photograph your memories so you get the best of both worlds.

Not only are they professional , have an amazing studio, always include make up and hair with all their packages but are so talented that they are fast becoming the best photo studio in Dubai. In any industry consistency is everything!!


Dubai and the best photography studio in Dubai then you know where to come!


See you soon hopefully for the best experience of a lifetime. Seriously, I know you will love it.

Learn Makeup from Lipstick Makeup Institute.


Here is the ghost that was occupying my desk ha ha!!

Halloween Makeup Look
Learn Halloween Makeup Look
Spooky Halloween
Spooky Halloween

Another Successful Make Up Student

Another Successful Make Up Student

We are always so proud that students travel across the globe to choose our make up institute over any other to to teach them the skills that they need to advance them into the world of Make Up.


I am always flattered when I ask them, How did you find us”? and they say that they google, “Make Up Schools in Dubai” and they looked at what all the schools had to offer and they like the look of our website, our testimonials, the work that we do and they see what the students are achieving and we are far ahead of any other make up institute. It means that we have done our job well.


Its not just a business but its our life and we just love it. 


Once you leave the Institute we don’t forget you though. We really do care about our students. They become a part of  our small family here.




This is such a great advantage for the students to have such images in their portfolio as believe e when i tell you that I have interviewed over 60 make Up Artists and no one! has any professional images. I advertised for a “teacher” and one applicant sent me face cards, I couldn’t understand this at all. Unreal.


I know how important it is to have a portfolio and a  diary of your achievements. I have been a photographer for 28 years so I really do know the value of a portfolio and thats why when we were  comprising the courses it was imperative that we incorporated professional photographs for the students portfolios.


Here are the results of one of our students who has just finished a 3 Day Bronze Course.


Amazing pictures with great talent.

Another Successful Make Up Student
Another Successful Make Up Student

Bronze 1

Bronze 2


Creative Zombies Look

Creative Zombies Look

Hi Everyone!

Well here we are again  doing what we love and  being crazy in the studio, having fun whilst creating the zombie and old age  look on the run up to Halloween when all the goals come out and the broomsticks!! ha ha

We have collected over the years all the facts and tips that we need to create theses looks and thats what make us one if the best make up schools in Dubai.

We all remember the days when everyone dressed up as of vampires to of to fancy dress  but zombies are even more exciting as there are no rules, you can have as many cuts and scars as you like. There is no format to applying zombie make up.

You have to apply the first few rules and get a great base using the latex in a fashion that will create a long lasting bespoke look.

We have students come on the courses from all over the world, some for just Special effects course as they have researched and found that we are the best make up school in Dubai and here are some behind the scene shots of here zombie make up. We just love it!

They come to us because they here of our reputation.

Zombie Pictures

Creative Zombies Look
Creative Zombies Look
Creative Zombies Look
Creative Zombies Look

img_3741 Creative Zombies Look Zombieimg_3743bb

All in all Lipstick Makeup Institute in one of the leading makeup school in Dubai

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

We look forward to seeing you at The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on +971 (0) 528349964.

By all means check around all the schools but we are confident you will choose us. Coupled with experience and opportunity we are very high up there on the list. 

By the same time you can choose your days and hours as we are very flexible. 

By and large we are here. 

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 



Ramadan DISCOUNT Self Makeup


Ramadan DISCOUNT Self Makeup

Want to learn how to do your own make up Perfectly?

Then book yourself in for A Self application Class. Call us +971 528249964 . 

We have a Ramadan Special on this course only 30% Discount so book NOW and look amazing all the time with the techniques we will teach you.   You will learn how to ben properly, learn all about foundations and choosing the correct colour for your skin.

You will learn how to contour and make the most of your bones structure or hide it if you so wish with the correct contouring, anything is possible.

How to apply your day make up in 10 minutes and look flawless and natural. Everything we will teach you will change your life literally!

Daytime and evening look. Whatever the occasion, work or party look and feel amazing. 

You will wonder why you have never done it before!

We will also take a professional portrait of you when you finish your make up as a Ramadan Gift. 

Ramadan DISCOUNT Self Makeup
Ramadan DISCOUNT Self Makeup

Ramadan DISCOUNT On Self Application Course IMG_3969 IMG_6689 Continue reading Ramadan DISCOUNT Self Makeup

About Matte lips

About Matte lips

Glossy VS Matte

About Matte lips

Yesterday we were talking about the luscious, glossy lips.

Today’s topic is The Velvety Matte Lips.

About Matte lips

The matte lips can be tricky.


Because if your lips are dry and cracked the matte lipstick will look really bad and cheap.

The same rules are on when you are prepping the lips for the matte lipstick.
  1. use a scrub to remove the dead skin
  2. lip balm or vaseline is a must
  3. remove the lip balm and make sure your lips are product free
  4. apply a bit of concealer to make sure your lipstick will last all night long
  5. apply lipliner! Its essential, because it defines the lips, you can be more precise and making your lipstick long lasting.
  6. fill up the lips with your matte lipstick. Use a lip brush in this case you will be more precise with lines and the lipstick will look rich and full. Also the lipstick will last  more longer. Do long and clean strokes with your lip brush. The texture of the matte lipsticks are more dry then the creamy ones its obvious because of the matte finish. We can suggest you the new Kryolan Matte Lipsticks. They are giving you the perfect matte velvety finish but at the same time the texture is not so dry.

Now it’s time to get on practicing.

The more you practice the better you will be in application the right lipstick colour and your lips will be perfectly defined.


Thank you guys in tuning in!

All in All learn more makeup hacks from our expert educators.

However if you wanna become a makeup artist we have 3 weeks diploma KHDA Certified.

Although all our platinum diploma students are working with us on our projects.

Lastly we are one of the leading celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although feel free to contact us

Tomorrow we will talk about ombre lips stay with us to know more tips and tricks!

How to make your lipstick stay for long hours

How to make your lipstick stay for long hours

Hi everyone today we will talk about on how to make your lipstick stay for long hours.

Rocking red lips is the fastest way to look glam and festive for the holidays. But with so many yummy treats to snack on and maybe a few smooches under the mistletoe, that red lipstick could end up everywhere but your lips if you’re not careful. To avoid clown mouth, follow these super-easy steps to keep your lipstick where it belongs—on your gorgeous pout!


How to make your lipstick stay for long hours


1. Exfoliate. Scrub your lips with the rest of your face while you’re in the shower in the morning. A gentle exfoliator will smooth over the flakes that come with winter’s chapped lips.

2. Moisturize. With the temperatures dropping faster than you can say “pumpkin spice latté,” moisturizing everything, including your lips is key. Stock up on a long-lasting chapstick to keep your pucker from getting chapped and use it before applying lipstick to help it go on smoothly.

3. Prime & Line. Use an easy-to-apply lip primer to set the stage for the bold color. Once it’s absorbed, outline you lips in a liner that’s the same shade of your natural lip color.

4. Add Your Red. Apply your red lipstick of choice in two swipes. Blot a couple times on a tissue and repeat with another swipe of lipstick, followed by another blot. Do this until you score your desired color strength.

5. Set with Powder. You heard us, powder—on your lips. A light, translucent powder will help keep the color in place even after you enjoy a huge mug of hot chocolate!

  • Always make sure that your lip liner is freshly sharpened so that you’re not transferring any bacteria from it onto your lips.
  • If you want a special touch, just add lip gloss in the center of your lips to create a bright glossy effect.
  • Blotting excess moisturizer prevents lipstick from sliding off.
  • It is a good idea to use a nude lip liner since it goes with most lipsticks and doesn’t create a harsh line.
  • It might sound a tad radical but throwing your make-up pencil sharpener in the dishwasher or washing by hand can also be very efficacious in removing bacteria. If you have a twist-up pencil it never hurts to break off the tip and wipe with alcohol before using.


Tomorrow we will talk about the proper way to apply lipliner

Hope to see you again tomorrow!


Student Silver MakeUp Course

Student Silver MakeUp Course

Another beautiful souland successful student  has just  passed  through, “The Lipstick Makeup Institute” has successfully fulfilled her course and departed armed with knowledge and  skills that will see her through her next phase of life as a successful make up artist.

Our lovely Tatiana was graceful enough to have chosen Lipstick to educate her and fuel her with the knowledge that she will only get from educators who really understand their field.

In this industry there are a lot of so called , “Make Up artists” out there who don’t know anything! That isn’t me just trying to make out that we are better than anyone else I am just stating a fact.

Tatiana just finished , The Silver Media Make Up course.

Here is the description of the Course, if you are interested.

Silver Make Up Course (5 days 30 hours)

Creative make up course:

  1. Fantasy make up
  2. Avant-garde make up
  3. Special visuals make up
  4. Face (body) painting make up
  5. Stage make up

 What the students get:

A course booklet which provides step to step guides

Professional set of brushes to use whislt on the course

All make up will be provided by the school

Set of products worth AED500

Opportunity to work with professional models

The rare chance to work in a professional operating studio

Working with professional photographers

3 professional photo of the students work

After completing the course our students are entitled for huge discounts with different brands

            International Certificate

The Silver make up course is for a make up artist who wants to improve its skills in the creative make up field.

Previous knowledge in make up is required.

Just take a look at Tatiana’s final Portfolio she left the course with as all students leave with professional images taken by our sister company, YH Studios DXB

Student Silver MakeUp Course
Student Silver MakeUp Course

_MG_0082e Student Silver MakeUp Course

Although So if you want a Portfolio like this and the best training you could possibly have then contact us. We would would so glad and proud to have you come and join us.


Choosing the right school

Firstly, do your research on the web and instagram to see all the works from the students.

Secondly, give them a call to discuss the requirements and practices. 

Thirdly, call and see all the schools so you get a good feeling about the one you want to join and the course. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

Above all your clients will be so very happy. 



Perfect Smokey Eyes look

Perfect Smokey Eyes look

Your smokey eye makeup is  a collection of different looks you create. Each element of makeup is characterised by its colour, finish, and performance. If your makeup is chosen correctly and your looks are skilfully combined, you are a woman with makeup sense.

The application



Firstly outline your eye contour with a black eye pencil, all the way around. Make the line thicker along the upper lashes.

Perfect Smokey Eyes look

With a brush or a sponge applicator, apply your base colour eyeshadow on the mobile eyelid and above the crease, about halfway to the eyebrows, blending slightly.

Perfect Smokey Eyes look

With a pointy sponge applicator, apply contour colour eyeshadow all the way around your eyes, blending it well with the pencil line.


Half-close your eyes and apply contour colour in the crease.


You will now need to define the outside corners of your eyes using a horizontal “V” shape. The position of the pointy end of the “V” will control the apparent shape of your eyes.


With a medium-sized soft round brush (you can also use a flat one, holding it sideways), blend the eyeshadows on the upper eyelid. With a flat brush, blend the eyeshadows on the lower eyelid.

Repeat your contour colour application with a sponge, as many times as needed to achieve a deep shade. Blend again with brushes after every application.

Apply highlight colour eyeshadow or facial powder under your eyebrows to ease the blending of the dark contour and add some volume to your eye makeup.

For an irresistible deep regard, outline the inside contour of your eyes with eye pencil. Use darker-than-usual eyebrows and lots of mascara to finish the look. Your eyes should now be smokier then ever before!

All in All To keep your bright eye makeup in balance, try a stronger blush, and keep your lips pale with a light gloss application.


Don’t forget the perfect smokey eyes are all about blending and practice.

Perfect Smokey Eyes look
Perfect Smokey Eyes look

See you all tomorrow as we discuss about Lipsticks and will give you amazing tips how to get perfect lips by applying the lipstick in a correct way because we are experts.


By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

Contact number & WhatsApp: +971 52 8497972 /+971 52 8349964

Although you can Learn Makeup on weekends as well

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

All our works can be seen on our Instagram & Facebook pages.  

Makeup Educators in the world of Dubai

However have a look at our website so you get a better understanding of what we do. 

With lots love your Lipstick Makeup Institute Team.