Mothers Day makeup by our students

Lets celebrate all the lovely Mums!

The Lipstick Makeup Institute was a part of the Mothers Day makeup filming in Osh Kosh baby store.

Mothers Day makeup at Osh Kosh store


Your setup reflects you. Make sure that your makeup products and brushes are always clean and well organised.

We took our students to experience the working on a location and in front of camera feeling of the Mothers Day makeup filming .

Our students were responsible for a nice flawless and fresh makeup on these lovely ladies.

Students in action applying Mothers Day makeup


The task was easy. The mothers got few questions to answer while our students are pampering them and making sure they look lovely and perfectly made up. In this case the perfectly made up means not over the top, nothing glamorous but just a touch of makeup what will make the face fresh, the skin flawless.

The less is always more. This is the most important to memorise!

Always work with the face and the features. Don’t try to apply the same makeup style on every single face.

We are all unique, we all have a different personality also different needs when it comes to makeup. What will suit to me won’t suit you and to some other person.

Our students are trained in that way to recognise the needs of different faces and features. Makeup is used to enhance the beauty and correct the small imperfections not to make you look like a different person.


Todays makeup look was a Mothers Day makeup. Why is it different than the other makeup looks?

Its very light as a base. On the eyes we were using beige, browns with a touch of highlight. Mascara of course is a must. On the cheeks we added a touch of peach-orange colour to give a refreshing effect for the face as some of our ladies didn’t sleep much. On the lips a transparent lipgloss.

Mothers Day makeup

Our students in action. Beautifying our lovely models.

It was fun. We heard loads of stories about the funniest stories about their kids, the most important words they love to hear from their kids, and the everyday with 2 or 3 kids in the house.

All these lovely ladies deserve loads of attention, love and pampering… not only when its Mothers Day… but every day!!


Cool UV Makeup H2

Another interesting day using Cool UV Makeup  and at The Lipstick makeup Institute. We gave our students  an opportunity to use their skills that they have learnt.  I have them to the task apply simple techniques.

We have a party to attend for Career soon and they want this kind of tribal make up. so the students can have experience at this kind of body spray work I set them thee task. I bought the stencils from the art shop and the paints from, “kryolan“. Some are UV and some not. The UV just looks so vibrant though.


We started with the green Cool UV makeup base and to get a clear smooth body spray cover is also an art. Slowly and evenly is always the best. Its better to do a few layers then one really full one as the paint will run. You also get different textures and tones if you apply in the correct way. If you want this of course. It does create more depth rather than one block colour.

After this is applied then we can start with the stencils. As I told the students its best to wet the Aqua colours and dab rather than brush. This way you will get and even effect without brush strokes.


The trick is all to work fast! efficient, confident will work best with this kind of UV Makeup. Also, not to make it look like stencils. To do the work on the arm you have to repeat the stencil 3 times so join the line up! Use free hand. Give some depth to it also by adding some gold or brown to create a 3D effect.


Here are a few shots from behind the scenes and a couple from the final images in the studio.

Please enjoy them, we enjoyed really  creating the look.

Cool UV Makeup on our Teacher T The Lipstick Make Up Institute
UV Makeup Spraying in action.
Spraying of The Orange UV Makeup Colour
Photoshoot in the studio of sister company, “YH studios DXB’ by our CEO, Yasmin Hussain, “UAE Business Award Photography Winner 2017” !
Photoshoot of the Cool UV Makeup

IMG_7543 Best Makeup School IMG_7555 IMG_7568 COOL UV Makeup COOL UV Makeup Best makeup institute in Dubai


Behind The Scenes UV Makeup
COOL UV Makeup

The Final “Images“. Cool UV Makeup@ The Lipstick Makeup Up Institute.

COOL UV Makeup
Final Shot of the UV Makeup Look

COOL UV Makeup COOL UV Makeup

My Teaching Experience At The Lipstick Makeup Institute

Teaching Experience

It has really been an amazing week and i would like to thank the one who gave me this wonderful chance to achive one of my dreams .

Thank you Yasmin Hussain owner and  managing director at The Lipstick Makeup Institute and YH Studios. I have had an absolutely amazing oportunity for being a makeup educator in such an amazing place.   Its like working in a makeup and fashion castle. Everything around you starting with the place loctation , name , decorations , furniture , stuff , music , students , makeup , photoshoots all day> The main attribute of course her passion and love to her work which is in the air and you can feel it as soon as you enter this gorgeous place .

I will talk about my experience in teaching two different  makeup courses.  On this blog I will talk about The Bronze Bridal Makeup Course and my next blog I will talk about The  Silver Creative Makeup Course. tips and some makeup applications secrets too. They completely rose to the challenges I set.

Bronze Bridal Makeup Course

The Bronze Bridal Makeup Course ( European , Arabic and Indian ) i have been through all the steps and details with my lovely student and explained to her the difference between every bridal look and how to  prepare the bride for her big day and of course practicing every look on a model so she can learn how to correct and define her mistakes to achieve her final look  by using the wonderful kryolan makeup products .

Please have a look t some of the images I took of me and my students on the course. They were so excited and happy with what they had achieved.


However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Although don’t miss out on any of our latest blog posts, events, workshops, and special offers!  follow us on social media to stay updated with all the exciting happenings at The Lipstick Makeup Institute.

Finally Stay beautiful, stay inspired! 

Teaching Experience
Teaching Experience
Teaching Experience
Teaching Experience

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