Bridal Makeup Course is a very popular makeup course in The Lipstick Makeup Institute.

European Bridal look and an Arabic Makeup look. We can assure you that you can learn how to do it.
One of our Bridal Makeup Course was done last month with a student coming all the way from Pakistan to study with us. She wanted to brush up on her skills as a makeup artist. At first, she thought that her makeup technique was already good and as it turned out, there were still some things wrong about them.

I pointed out to the student her mistakes and she got it in a day’s worth of practice. Now she’s able to blend properly her eyeshadows and her foundation specially contours and blush.
The next other 2 days, she was able to create her own looks for smokey and cut crease.
I’ve also pointed out to her a few things about makeup that it has to be impeccable, clean and fresh looking. So there are certain colours to be used in bridal makeup otherwise it will look too dark and gloomy. Foundation shade is also important as you have to make sure that it’s the correct shade whether it is for photography, videography or in person.
Makeup for brides is tricky because you have to make sure everything is perfect. Skin has to look like skin even with tons of makeup on.
Indian/Pakistani style bridal makeup is usually a bit heavier than European makeup. That’s because the brides are far away from the guests (on a stage).
If you want to learn more about our makeup courses, you can contact us anytime.
Check out our students’ works at: