Category Archives: daytime makeup



WKND KHALEEJ TIMES MAGAZINE INTERVIEW because we were honoured to be choosen by the khaleej times magazine to interview the lipstick makeup institute.

In their next coming episode about the no makeup look which is a new makeup trend  taking media and everyone by  storm  .

However, our makeup artist explained  on our lovely model in a live tutorial  how to achieve a no makeup look.

All in all, this is  actually harder than it looks. Its simple but complicated as its not easy to make your makeup invisible  because you have to choose the exact right colours.

As long as you   work for your skin tone  and to appear with a natural gorgeous skin , eyelids  , long eyelashes , pink cheecks and sun kissed glow skin.

Getting Great Skin tones


Firstly, the look seems effortless. Trying to look natural is more difficult than it appears.

However, this is actually becoming very popular with our clients. It’s had had a sudden shift from serious contouring and very pronounced features to simple looks.

Secondly, Its really lovely to see that people are opting for back to basics rather than the really heavy trend that has ben in for a while now.

Thirdly,  strong eyebrows are kind of fading out too.

The very dark, structured eyebrows are becoming softer. The fresh, no effort, nude make up look is finally come back.

Lastly, the little blush like a summers day is back!  Yippee!!


So cool that the guys at Al Khaleej are recognising the trend.

At any rates, as with all the people that cement the studio of our sister company, YH Studios DXB they are asking for the simple make up look. It’s a trend that I really love as it make the photographs.

We have worked with so many amazing people. CNN Arabia, Dubai TV, Al Kharama TV, Rotana TV, Help Magazine, OK Magazine and so many more. Feel very blessed!!

I guess our hard work and dedication really do pay off. There is no one who could say otherwise.

Check us out:

Best makeup school
Makeup is magic

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Makeup is Magic

Makeup is Magic

Makeup is Magic

It can change how we look and feel in just a few minutes. First, it helps us feel more confident. For example, a bit of lipstick can make a smile shine brighter. When we feel good about how we look, we often feel better inside too.

Next, makeup lets us be creative. We can play with colors and styles to express who we are.

How does it work

Firstly, one day, we might want to look bold and strong with bright red lipstick.

Secondly, another day, we might choose soft pastels for a gentle, sweet look. The choices are endless.

Thirdly, moreover, makeup can hide things we don’t like.

Lastly, as I have noted ,if we have a pimple or dark circles, a little concealer can make them vanish.


This small trick can make us feel more comfortable and ready to face the day.

Then, there is the fun of learning new skills.

However, using makeup means learning how to use different tools and products.

Additionally, watching tutorials and trying new techniques can be exciting. Each time we try something new, we get a bit better. It’s like practicing a magic trick until we get it just right.

Also, makeup can help us connect with others. Friends often share tips and tricks or enjoy getting ready together.

However, this shared experience can bring people closer. It’s a way to bond over a common interest.

In conclusion, makeup is magic because it boosts confidence, sparks creativity, hides flaws, teaches new skills, and connects people.

By all means check out our website:

 All in all, with a few simple products, we can transform ourselves.

Above all we,  feel like the best version of who we are. So, next time you pick up a makeup brush, remember—you’re holding a little bit of magic.


Makeup is Magic
Dubai best makeup school

Becoming a makeup artist

Becoming a makeup artist

Becoming a makeup artist is an exciting journey that is so cool. 

First and foremost, having a passion for makeup is essential.

If you love playing  with colors and styles, you’re already on the right track.

Next, consider enrolling in a professional makeup school.

Formal education provides you with essential skills and techniques.

Moreover, it builds you up , which is crucial when starting out.

Therefore, practice on friends and family whenever possible.

As I have noted this not only helps refine your skills but also helps you build a portfolio.

At the same time  strong portfolio showcases your work to potential clients or employers,  show  creativity.

Furthermore, staying updated with the latest trends and products is important.

Hence, follow popular makeup artists on social media and attend industry workshops.

However, this keeps your skills current and  shows  you to new techniques and tools.

Staying up with what is going on  you can offer the latest looks to your clients.


How to network

Firstly, talking to people  plays a big  role in building your career.

Secondly, all in all, these  can lead to jobs  and great things.

For instance, you might meet photographers or models who need a makeup artist for their projects.

Thirdly, however, marketing yourself effectively is also vital.

Lastly,  as a result, having a strong presence on social media.


Things  like Instagram or YouTube can attract more clients.

Afterwards by showing your work online helps reach a more people to get you known.

Even more,  posting and engaging with followers can  boost your visibility.

Moreover,  get world experience is invaluable.

Therefore, offer your services for events such as weddings, photoshoots, or fashion shows.

Have a look at our website:

Also, each experience makes  your skills and builds your brand.

Additionally, don’t to start small.

Working at a makeup counter can gives good experience and increase your confidence.

In conclusion, becoming a makeup artist requires a lot of work practice, and keep learning.

Another key point, is by following these steps and staying positive is great.

Consequently, you’ll be well on your way to a wonderful career in the makeup world.

Also, with hard work  you can turn your passion into a fab profession.


Becoming a makeup artist
Dubai Makeup School in Barsha

For oily skin you need to know

For oily skin you need to know

Whether it is summer, monsoon, or winter, your skin is shiny all throughout the year. You have probably tried a lot of different skincare products but can’t seem to tackle your oily skin woes. Don’t worry, we got your back. Here is how you can prevent your skin from looking like a shiny disco ball every day.

The sun and the heat can be fatal for tanning the skin. In the summer, UV rays augment the production of sebum, which secretes more easily through dilated pores as a result of climbing temperatures. Sebum acts in ‘self-defense’ mode when the skin is losing water, producing more oil to retain it. The result is that your face shines and your skin feels greasy to the touch. Another factor is perspiration caused by heat, stress, or exertion. Perspiration mixes with sebum and increases the shine. Your skin will look greasier than ever, but rest assured, you are not alone. A shiny T-zone is a concern for one in every two women.


For oily skin you need to know

For Oily Skin you need to know

It’s a common mistake to think that an application of cream will make the skin oilier. In fact, hydrating the skin is essential, even when it is oily, otherwise it will dry out and secrete more sebum to maintain balance. However, choose a hydrating product with a light texture, such as a lotion or an emulsifying mattifier, which diminishes shine.  The lightweight texture of this Skin Essence Lotion is quickly absorbed into the skin and it smoothes your skin texture and boosts radiance. The last thing you need when you have oily skin is a product that feels heavy or greasy, and the White Perfect Skin Essence is a powerful and concentrated essence water that feels comfortable on your skin.

Some products refine skin texture to make it feel lighter. An emulsion consisting of an aqueous phase which hydrates and an oily phase (essential oils and vegetable oils) which protects is ideal for oily skin. Choose a formulation that contains more water than oily substances so that it absorbs quickly without leaving an oily film. Also try cleansing with a clay mask once or twice a week as this will unclog pores and better oxygenate the skin.

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

All in all we look forward to seeing you at
TheLipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Best course in Dubai

Best course in Dubai

Best course in Dubai

Not only are we the best but also the most thorough. 

Above all we really want our students to learn in the right way. 

All in all it’s not about making money although we have the bills to pay but about getting the best teaching and education. 

By the same token we also want to employ our student graduates to come and work with us. 

Coupled with great education and makeup skills the course is filled with tips and photography that students also need to learn. 

Compared to other schools I know we are simply the best. 

Hence check out our website you will see just how great our students works are:

For fear that you are not choosing the right school this will for sure confirm that you are. 

For this reason we are always getting major jobs because we are so very particular and are concerned with perfection. 

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Choosing the right school

Firstly, do your research on the web and instagram to see all the works from the students.

Secondly, give them a call to discuss the requirements and practices. 

Thirdly, call and see all the schools so you get a good feeling about the one you want to join and the course. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

Above all your clients will be so very happy. 

Best course in Dubai
Lipstick is the best makeup education


Lipstick gets the biggest events

Lipstick gets the biggest events

Lipstick gets the biggest events

Sooner or later is was going to happen again. 

Summing up the standards and quality of The Lipstick Makeup Institute we have just landed the biggest event of the year. 

That is the opening of The One and Only Zabeel in Dubai owned by Kerzner group. 

To begin with our school is the best in Dubai. 

Summing up because of the way we work and our team we always are so lucky in getting these major jobs. 

To conclude we always bring our graduates back to work with us. 

All in all book your course with us at The Lipstick Makeup Institute and not only get the best teaching but the best opportunities.

To emphasize we are the only makeup school you should consider joining. 

 Booke In

Firstly, decide on the course that you want to do.

Secondly, make sure you are free for all the days.

Thirdly, make sure you have  a nice set of makeup brushes.

Lastly,  come to your class and be prepared to learn all the techniques you need. 

To explain we will give you our all. 

With this intention we will make sure when toy leave us at The Lipstick Makeup Institute you will have learnt everything.

Without a doubt after your training you will be prepared for the world of makeup.

Without delay try and organize your time so that you have all the time to dedicate to you makeup course. 

have a look at our website:

All in all on here you will see all the courses on offer.

Not only will you get makeup education you will get a professional portfolio for out partner company YH studios. 

Another key point is that our days with pre planning are flexible. 

Above all we will see you soon. 

Lipstick gets the biggest events
Makeup school dubai

Christmas makeup course at Lipstick

Christmas makeup course at Lipstick

Christmas makeup course at Lipstick is what you need

As a matter of fact you need makeup all year round. In the first place makeup needs to be a part of our lives.  Coupled with makeup just for ourselves but as work. 

Here at The Lipstick Makeup Institute we teach everyone. 

Uniquely just for yourself or as a business. Equally important is that you learn from the very best, We are at The Lipstick Makeup Institute. 

In addition we also offer gift vouchers so you can buy for presents. We have an offer buy one for self makeup courses. 

Not to mention our teachers are the best. 

In the same fashion we teach in many languages. English, Arabic, French, Farce, Italian, Russian and many more. 

How can I book?


Firstly, decide on the course you want

Secondly, get your brushes ready

Thirdly, get prepared

Lastly, come and get spoilt


Christmas makeup course at Lipstick
Makeup School Dubai

To say nothing of how amazing our makeup educators are the best. 

We have had so many huge projects.  Furthermore, we love what we do. This shows in all our work.  All this we have got an amazing reputation. 

In spite of us only being small, we are the best. In contrast to all the big schools , size does not matter. Then again we believe in quality not quantity. 

We are different from everyone else as we have a photography school too. YH Studios Photo Studio is our sister company. 

Additionally you can check out all outr work. 

We have instagram, Facebook, website and Facebook.

At the same time we work together as a team.

As much as we love makeup, we love photography. 

Come and have a chat. In the event that we are busy we will always call you back. You are our number one. 

Call +971 (0) 52 83 49964


need a makeup course Dubai?

need a makeup course Dubai?

need a makeup course Dubai? Most people want to look good. 

Moreover, people want  to look good to feel amazing. In the first place you can do this with makeup. Likewise, once you look good the feeling is wonderful. 

Uniquely our school here in Dubai can give you just that. Equally we are really well priced also.  

Additionally we are the best makeup school in Dubai. Here at The Lipstick Makeup Institute we really take care of you. 

In like manner we are kind, caring and ever so professional. 

Our teachers are refined and we have the best of the best. 

This is why were were chosen to represent the UAE at the opening of The Atlantis Royal. Our Makeup institute did all the celebrities at The opening for 3 days. 

Getting a booking


Firstly, decide when you can come. 

Secondly, get all your makeup so we can show you ho to use yours. 

Thirdly, you can give us a call. 

Lastly, come on the day and we will teach you everything. 

We have taught so many students here at The Lipstick Makeup Institute. 

You can see all our images on our website: 


We have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

We do the self makeup course over 2 days at The Lipstick Makeup Institute. 

In the light of peoples lives being so busy its easier this way. 4.5 hours a day and you can practise in-between. 

Equally important is to start with a clear mind and get rid of bad habits. Our teachers will guide you through all the steps. 

We look forward to seeing you at The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on +971 (0) 528349964

We will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 


need a makeup course Dubai?
Best makeup school Dubai

Celebrity Makeup School Dubai

Celebrity Makeup School Dubai

Celebrity Makeup School Dubai we have earned this title. This is a a fact.  Firstly At the lipstick makeup Institute we have worked so hard to further our reputation. 

In February 2022. I had  meeting was made with us atThe Atlantis Palm Jumeirah. I met the gorgeous Lyndell to chat about projects.  hence during our meeting Lyndell told me that she definitely wants to work with me. This was music to my ears. 

Contract for NY Eve


Firstly I was so happy and furthermore I knew that  I could do it. evidently, even more so I knew I could do it with style. 


We had won the contract for the New Years Eve Event at The Atlantis. The residents who come from all over the world will need hair and makeup.  This was great opportunity for me to employ our graduates and students to help. 

We had around 45 staff to prepare the residents for the gala dinner with Kylie Minogue. It was a a formal dress evening and very glamorous. 

Everyone who came and sat in the seats were extremely happy. We had no complaints.

Anyway, furthermore  it was a complete success for the team at

This was the case  as we got booked for The Atlantis Royal 3 day event which was HUGE. 


It was the biggest job off my career so far. I am now 51 years old and don’t think I can top this one. 


I employed maybe around 120 staff for hair and makeup.  By and large it was such a success for us. The team serviced only the VIP’s an VVIP”s. The royal Atlantis is such an incredible stage and hotel. 


They are such a professional company it brings tears to my eyes that were were chosen. Above all the other makeup schools in Dubai, it was us. 

Thank you The Atlantis Royal. 

By all means get in touch. Furthermore, join our Platinum Course starting 25th March 2023. 


At this instant we have 4 places left. 


The Atlantis Royal
Girls having fun
Celebrity Makeup School Dubai
Amir khan with The Lipstick Makeup Institute


The Perfect Reason to Stay in Dubai for the Summer

Summer has finally hit Dubai.  But before you book your flights out to escape the summer heat, you might want to consider taking a course at our institute. Starting from 2,625 AED, you can learn how to apply makeup to either yourself or professionally. You can choose between courses that we have here like the Self Makeup Application Course, the Bronze, Silver and Gold, or the most popular course in our institute, The Platinum Makeup Course.

We’ve recently launched our Summer Promotion which entails more than AED 10,000 worth of discounts. In this promotion, you’d get all the necessary skills to be a Professional Makeup Artist, whether it be for freelance, for retail, salon work, movies, or as an influencer. 

We’ll teach you basics like analysing skin types, skin tones, eye shapes, etc. Work with professional models, work in major fashion shows, photoshoots, work with wonderful designers. 

Spring Summer Modest Fashion week with Lipstick Makeup Institute Graduates
Spring Summer Modest Fashion week with Lipstick Makeup Institute Graduates

This is your chance to follow your passion to become a professional makeup artist this summer. Belong to the biggest and most talented makeup team in Dubai. We never let go of our students and make sure that we bring our students to different jobs even after they graduate.

Award-Winning, YH Studios, our photography partner, takes all of our wonderful photos for the students’ portfolios. They do the most amazing fashion shoots, family, even animals around dubai. Yasmin Hussain, owner of YH Studios is a seasoned photographer of 30+ years. She makes sure that all students work is impeccable before they shoot their models for their portfolio. Editing models features on post is really easy because from the start, the students make sure that everything is right. 

So, beat the heat this summer and join the Lipstick Makeup Team. Learn and sharpen your skills as a makeup artist with us. 

Check out our Instagram: