Back Stage at Arab Fashion Week

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

The time had come again. Arab Fashion Week hit Dubai with full force. Once again we were so pleased to be involved.

lets take you backstage with The Lipstick MakeUp Institute team

Brand: illamasqua





Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

Colours ready
Colours ready

Being backstage at a fashion show is so much more than just being a MakeUp artist. You are part of a family to get the show on the road. The trick is to all stick together, work with confidence, keep alert and of course ALWAYS smile and never loose focus. Its important to be on the ball as fashion shows can be a crazy rush backstage.

DSC_0146 Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

When it comes to fashion shows, they key thing to remember is timing is everything.  As beautiful and stunning fashion shows are from the front row, its not all glitz and glamour backstage. Backstage is where the months of hard work comes to life in a matter of hours. However, the rush is additive and the achievement you feel once the show has finished lasts for days.

The Lipstick MakeUp Institute team  

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week
The Lipstick MakeUp Institute team
Lights Camera Action
Lets get this show on the road.

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week


Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

This amazing experience gave our fantastic Lipstick Make Up Institute team to express their artistry in more ways than one. Each day kept us all on our toes, we all loved it and left us craving for more.  We got to work with fashion designers from around the world which we can all defiantly say this is a “pinch-me” moment. You might be there to do MakeUp but do not be surprised if you get pulled by someone to help dress a model, tidy a models hair or even to maybe run and get some water and food for everyone.

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week
Girls gotta eat

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

Makeup Team in Arab Fashion WeekMakeup Team in Arab Fashion Week Makeup Team in Arab Fashion Week

Working in a fashion show keeps you up to date with the latest beauty trends and whats the hottest new looks.  You could be the most experience MakeUp artist but you will always learn new tricks backstage that you can bring home, this will  make you very popular with your girlfriends.

Arab Fashion Week was held between 5 days. We will take you through each day with all the looks changes and show you some fantastic pictures we managed to get in whist our team worked their magic.

All in All we did it once again, 


Have a look at our website:

Also, each experience makes  your skills and builds your brand.

Additionally, don’t to start small.

Working at a makeup counter can gives good experience and increase your confidence.

In conclusion, becoming a makeup artist requires a lot of work practice, and keep learning.

Another key point, is by following these steps and staying positive is great.

Consequently, you’ll be well on your way to a wonderful career in the makeup world.

Also, with hard work  you can turn your passion into a fab profession.