Category Archives: makeup look



Yesterday  was a great day Dubai tv was shooting at the lipstick makeup institute .

However, we introduced The Lipstick Make Up Institute and its services.

All in all how do our students register in our beauty and make up courses and what certificates  do they get ?  

Consequently, we have a great variety of diffresnt courses to choose between  like for example


What do students get?

Firstly, we have a variety of courses,

1 -The International  Platinum Media Diploma makeup course

2  – Gold media makeup course

3 – Silver makeup course

4 – Bronze makeup course

5 – Self makeup application course

6 – Smokey eye makeup course

7 – Bridal makeup course

8 – Stage or catwalk makeup course

9 – Red carpet makeup course

10- Creative makeup course

11- Bollywood makeup course

12- Arabic makeup course

13- Exclusive master class

Secondly,  we explanied about our materials that our students  at The Lipstick Make Up Institute study and work with how many classes do they have to attend . Laos.

how we train them through  practicing and teaching so they graduate with enough knowledge  in all kind of makeup as evening , cocktail , daytime , classical and they can easily work in  fashion and makeup  fields .

Thirdly, we also explained our services for our  YH STUDIOS DXB clients as photoshoots including makeup + hair .

We had our lovely model with gorgeous glam look done by THE LIPSTICK MAKEUP INSTITUTE makeup artist.

Lastly, I explained her look step by step  and what is the 2017  fashion in makeup and hair it was really fun and exciting .


We just want to say Thank you.

Additionally, Thank you Dubai tv for choosing us this is  what hard working do.

Afterwards specially  with a loving talented family as The Lipstick Makeup Institute and YH Studios family.

Another key poine just love what we do and do what we love. Just like our motto says so thats on our wall in the studio reception.

 As a result, we hope you enjoy our behind the scenes photos.

For the same reason we  all continued the shoot in the studio and ha great fun.

Given that enjoy the photos!

Equally important look at our website:

All in all we look forward to seeing you at The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on +971 (0) 528349964.
Tv filming at YH Studios
Photography studio Dubai
Yasmin Hussain
Filming at the institute

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All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

Photoshoot for Kids Fashion

Photoshoot for Kids Fashion

Yesterday we had a wonderful day shooting kids fashion with some lovely kids at YH STUDIOS DXB and THE LIPSTICK MAKEUP INSTITUTE  during ONE FRIDAY KIDS photoshoot .

One Friday , a high fashion and affordable kids wear retailer in India , thier collection features kids wear , shoes , accessories, sunglasses, headbands and trinkets , to suit all the wardrobe needs under one roof .

Kids started arriving with their parents to the studio early morning and i worked on their hair and  makeup .

However, Yasmin our managing    director and head  photographer  started styling thier clothes , shoes and accessories   which arrived organized in different sizes and colours for boys and girls .

The day of the shoot

The day  was full of  excitement , happiness and joy , we were running after the kids all over the place changing their outfits , playing in the sand. The kids were not bothered about the wind and even the rain at times!

We did half the shoot the week before on the Palm as one of the kids was leaving Dubai. It was a must that we had to photograph her though. She is so cool and very stylish that we had to include her in the shoot so we did.

Part 2 was on the beach on a very unpredictable day. It was cloudy, windy and very blustery. We had to do the shoot!! There was no time to waste. This time of year the weather is so unpredictable but we took our chances and it paid off.

It was so much much fun. More importantly we got amazing pictures and the kids had so much fun.


All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.


It always shows in the images and on the kids faces.  Running freely on the sand and in the water is just so liberating for them and its not work its enjoyable.

Here are a few images of behind the scenes. Hope you like them.

We will post the finalised images once the client has chosen them this week.


Photoshoot for Kids Fashion
Kids shoot
Photoshoot for Kids Fashion
makeup for shoots
Photoshoot for Kids Fashion
Yasmin Hussain shooting
Photoshoot for Kids Fashion
Shoots with YH Studios

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The Secret to Perfect eyebrows 2

The Secret to Perfect eyebrows 2

Theres a saying the Eyebrows are the frame of our face” listen to The Secret to Perfect eyebrows 2

They are definitely and this is why we need to make sure that we have the right shape of eyebrows and they are nicely defined.

Don’t overdo them!!! The Secret to Perfect eyebrows 2

Equally important, every part of our face is equally important.

For example, so make sure that your makeup is in harmony with the whole face.

Eyebrows are important such as cheekbones or lips or eyes.

But how to shape them? And how to make them perfect?

First of all you can choose if you like your eyebrows soft and natural or more defined.

If you are in the first group of soft eyebrow lovers all what you will do is:

  1. However, clean up the excess hair around your eyebrows with tweezers. Clean lines look smooth and sharp
  2. brush your eyebrows with an eyebrow brush
  3. take an angled brush, get a 3 or 4 shades lighter colour than your eyebrows and fill them up
  4. why use a lighter colour? because we want to create shadow between the hair. If you will take the same colour of your eyebrow it will become much more stronger and aggressive. Too dark just looks so false and really doesn’t look good. The fashion now is to have amazing eyebrows but must be done right.
The Secret to Perfect eyebrows 2
Learn with Lipstick

If you like sharp and defined eyebrows:

  1. Firstly, Make sure that your eyebrows are fully cleaned no hair around them.
  2. In conclusion, take a concealer and apply a lighter shade around your eyebrows from the top and bottom part.
  3. Secondly, take an angled brush and with an eyeshadow what is lighter than your eyebrows draw a line from the bottom of your eyebrows and a top of the eyebrows. Start to blend the two lines together.
  4. Thirdly, also brush it. Anytime you can add more eyeshadow colour or if you feel its too strong you can tone it down by brushing the eyebrows.
  6. Lastly, to fix your eyebrows you can use eyebrow gel, it will make the hair stay at the place and will give your eyebrows  a nice shiny look.
The Secret to Perfect eyebrows 2
Best makeup academy

Practice  makes perfect! Always and if you apply this logic to your life then you will not go far wrong.

Don’t forget this golden rule.

For this purpose have  fun creating beautiful eyebrows and don’t be scared experimenting with it!

Stay with us for more tips and tricks.

We are a Dubai based Make Up Institute, who is striving to be the best makeup Institute around. 

The Lipstick Make Up Institute is beginning to get a reputation for all the right reasons we are happy to say. If you want to learn the basics, we have a course for you. If toy want to learn advanced techniques, we have a class for you. Anything you need to know we have a class for you. Just call us, email us or Facebook us. We are here always to answer your questions.

Please give us any suggestions or feedback for a subject that you want us to talk about. We will always listen.

Check us out:

البلاتين دورة ماكياج

البلاتين دورة ماكياج

اهلا ياجماعة!


الآن سوف نتحدث عن تجربة واحد من طلابنا هنا الذي تولى البلاتين دورة مكياج في لأحمر الشفاه المكياج المعهد الذي تخرج في ديسمبر الماضي 2016.

طار Javaria كل من باكستان إلى الانخراط في معهدنا. وقالت إنها بدأت مع صفر المعرفة في ماكياج. في البداية أنها لا تعرف كيفية التفريق بين الفرق بين الظل من الأساس، ما هو يناسب لون البشرة من شخص واحد. هذه هي الخطوة الأكثر أهمية عند تطبيق الماكياج. الكلمة نفسها،الأساسحقا يقول كل شيء. مثل عند بناء المنزل، وإذا كان لديك أساسا جيدا ثم يمكنك بناء على ذلك بنجاح. التشبيه آخر مثل العلاقة. تبدأ أساسا جيدا ثم وهذا يمكن أن يبنى على وجود علاقة مذهلة يمكن أن تنمو.

بدأنا تبين لها الأدوات، وأنواع مختلفة من فرش. ثم تليها خطوة بخطوة حول كيفية تطبيق ماكياج بدءا من التنظيف، التنغيم والترطيب.

تحليل الشكل، لون البشرة من شخص ليست سهلة للمبتدئين ولكن إذا كان لديك شغف واهتمام لمعرفة ذلك سيأتي من السهل تحديد تماما مثل ما فعل Javaria. تستمع ولاحظ جيدا لمعلمتها لتحقيق هذا النوع من الماكياج لنماذج لها. ببطء يوما بعد يوم عن طريق القيام ماكياج لنماذج لها أنها حققت أنواع مختلفة من نظرة من النهار ننظر إلى المساء، ونظرة براقة. وكذلك نظرة المبدع الذي يتمتعون به للقيام كثيرا.

نلقي نظرة على عمل عينة من المكياج الطلاب. انظروا الى ما تحقق Javaria من مسلكه. على ملعب البلاتين نغطي كل جوانب مختلفة من الماكياج.

يمكنك تحقيق أهدافك معنا في أحمر الشفاه واستوديوهات YH. أصبحنا أفضل يشكلون المعهد في دبي

‘ahlaan yajimaeatan!

alan sawf natahaddath ean tajribat wahid min talabina huna aldhy tawalla albilatayn dawrat makiaaj fi li’ahmar alshshffah almakiaaj almaehad aldhy takhruj fi disambir almadi 2016.

tar Javaria kl min bakistan ‘iilaa alainkhirat fi maeahdina. waqalat ‘innaha bada’at mae sifr almaerifat fi makyaj. fi albidayat ‘annaha la taerif kayfiat alttafriq bayn alfarq bayn alzzll min al’asasi, ma hu yunasib lawn albashrat min shakhs wahda. hadhih hi alkhatwat al’akthar ‘ahammiat eind tatbiq almakiaji. alkalimat nafsiha, “al’asasa” haqqanaan yaqul kl shay’an. mithl eind bina’ almunazzil, wa’iidha kan ladayk ‘asasaan jayidaan thumm yumkinuk bina’an ealaa dhlk binajahi. alttushabbih akhar mithl alealaqat. tabda ‘asasaan jayidaan thumm wahadha ymkn ‘an yabnaa ealaa wujud ealaqat mudhhilat ymkn ‘an tanmu.


tahlil alshkl, lawn albashrat min shakhs laysat sahlatan lilmubtadiiyn walakun ‘iidha kan ladayk shaghf waihtimam limaerifat dhlk sayati min alssahl tahdid tamamaan mithl ma faeal Javaria. tastamie walahaz jayidaan limaelimatiha litahqiq hdha alnnawe min almakiaj linumadhij laha. bbt’ yawmaan baed yawm ean tariq alqiam makiaj linumadhij laha ‘annaha haqqaqat ‘anwae mukhtalifat min nazrat mmin alnnahar nanzur ‘iilaa almasa’i, wanazrat biraqatan. wakadhalik nazrat almubdie aldhy yatamattaeun bih lilqiam kathira.

yumkinuk tahqiq ‘ahdafik maeana fi ‘ahmar alshshffah wastawdyuhat YH. ‘asbahna ‘afdal yushakkilun almaehad fi dibay.

As I have said, a portfolio can also be useful when applying for makeup opportunities. 

All in all the course is about learning and about you. 

Above all we look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a look at our website to get some ideas. 

During the course work with photographers.

Because we have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج


سر الجلد ندي


سر الجلد ندي

كلنا نحب أن توهج صحي والانتهاء الرطب على الجلد. أنه يعطي نظرة جديدة وناعمة على الجلد، وبالطبع اتجاها المطلق. لتحقيق ذلك سوف أطلعكم على بعض تقنيات سهلة حقا والنصائح: استخدام مرطب قبل الأساس رش وجهك مع رش الماء قبل تأسيس تطبيق الأساس السائل مع فرشاة الأساس رش رذاذ الماء على وجهك تطبيق مؤسسة الحدث

Kryolan تلمع في طبقة رقيقة على وجهه رش وجه مع رذاذ الماء إضافة لمسة من البودرة السائبة على الوجه رش وجهك مع رش الماء فمن السهل والسريع. تبدو لطيفة حقا في حياته الطقس ولكن الصيف أيضا. حظا سعيدا للتجريب البقاء معنا لمزيد من تيس والحيل انظروا إلى الصورة أدناه لمدى الجلد يمكن أن تتوهج في ضوء الشمس. وتمييز تبدو مدهشة وتضيء

استخدامها إلى أقصى الحدود ولكن أولا نبدأ جيدة يشكلون ها ها ها. بمجرد البدء في تطبيق الماكياج في كل مرة سوف تحصل على أفضل. وكلما ممارسة، كان ذلك أفضل وسوف تصبح. من الأفضل لك أن تصبح، كان ذلك أفضل لك سوف ننظر. من الأفضل لك أن ننظر، والمزيد من الثقة سيكون لديك. لمزيد من الثقة لديك، وأكثر شعبية سوف تصبح. أكثر شعبية يمكنك أن تصبح أكثر راحة وسوف تشعر. أعتقد أنك نوع من الحصول على ما أقوله! كل شيء يبدأ مع حسن الماكياج! احجز لنفسك بالطبع معنا، ونحن سوف يعلمك كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته من شأنها أن تعطيك فرصة جديدة للحياة ها ها ها. حسنا. من تعرف؟ يمكننا ان نحاول فقط.

klna nahib ‘ann tawhaj sahy walaintiha’ alrratb ealaa aljuld. ‘


سر الجلد ندي
سر الجلد ندي



سر الجلد ندي

As I have said, a portfolio can also be useful when applying for makeup opportunities. 

All in all the course is about learning and about you. 

Above all we look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a look at our website to get some ideas. 

During the course work with photographers.

Because we have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Although don’t miss out on any of our latest blog posts, events, workshops, and special offers!  follow us on social media to stay updated with all the exciting happenings at The Lipstick Makeup Institute.

Finally Stay beautiful, stay inspired!

Make up live demonstration

Make up live demonstration

The Lipstick Makeup Institute was at Oracle today and was doing a live demonstration about the importance of makeup.


Before we went there to see all the lovely ladies we had to think of a few words to catch their attention. We had to let everyone know that we are The Best Make Up Institute in Dubai ha!


Although So This is what we thought of:


So we should call it the “Feel Good Factor”
A woman’s mood can change in an instant if hey look good, they will fell good. If they feel good they will smile and radiate energy thats contagious and positive and can only be a great thing!
Make up is a very important contributory factor to helping this. 
I will give young scenario. 
If a lady feels a little tired and has no make up on and she catches herself in the mirror, she will shy away an feel even worse than she looks and hence will have a lower tone on the phone and not project any positive vibes to clients or even friends. 
On the other side, if she has make up on and  she catches herself in the mirror and she looks good! she will feel good and radiate that energy to potential clients giving positive vibes throughout the office and can only be good for self esteem and for business. 
So the solution is, to make the most out of yourself every day to feel good and this is also goof for your health, marriage and self esteem! 
Are You agree?

Why are we using makeup ?

How to apply your makeup in 10 minutes?

What are the most useful tricks for a quick and good makeup?

All in all these questions were answered on our live demonstration.

We started with a light daytime look discussing about choosing the right colour of foundation, application techniques, contours and highlights and setting the foundation.

Afterward this step we were giving a brief description about filling up and defining the eyebrows.

Firstly Eye makeup – easy steps for a daytime application using all neutral colours

Secondly Mascara application giving a final touch for the eyes

How to apply the blusher and where to place it exactly, which colours are for the daytime look.

Thirdly Lipliner and lipstick application with a touch of a gloss was our finishing step on our lovely model.

Now we gave a situation to our Ladies of  usual everyday situation of no having time for makeup touchup for an evening time.

We added a bit of drama on the eyes, cheeks and lips.

Just in few steps you can easily transform your makeup from a daytime to a glamorous evening look.

Try to concentrate on the eyebrows, eyes, cheeks and lips.

Add more colour and more darker colour on the eyes, make the blusher stronger and add a darker lipstick on the lips its that easy to achieve an evening look.

Don’t forget to follow our blog and to contact us for makeup courses and makeup consultations.

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

Tun in for our next addition.

However have a look at our website so you get a better understanding of what we do. 



Make up live demonstration
Make up live demonstration

img_7266 img_7280 img_7281 img_7282 Make up live demonstration

The 20 minutes Cocktail Makeup look

The 20 minutes Cocktail Makeup look

The 20 minutes Cocktail Makeup look
The 20 minutes Cocktail Makeup look


You might ask “Cocktail Makeup”?

What is that?

It’s a perfect makeup look for your business dinners, weddings that starts in the morning time and any other occasion you want to look a bit more made up than the daytime loo but less than an evening look.

Lets see the steps:
  1. Clean snd refresh your face before applying the foundation. You can use simple wet wipes to clean your face and toner to refresh it.
  2. Apply your favourite foundation. The coverage for the cocktail makeup is from light to medium. Still not full. Keep it soft and don’t cake it up let it glow.
  3. When it comes to contours and highlights if you are not a contouring freak keep it light. You don’t need layers and layers on your face for a cocktail makeup.
  4. Set your foundation and the whole base with a thin layer of a loose powder. Don’t use compacts as your 3rd step. Leave the skin open and don’t powder it up with the compacts. They are the best for touch ups.
  5. Fill up your eyebrows with a 3 shade lighter eye shadow than your brow colour.
  6. Apply a base colour on your eyelid. The base colour is close to your skin colour.
  7. Take your blending brush and swipe a medium brown colour in your crease line.
  8. Take a black eyeshadow and dab a touch of it in your outer corners of the eyes.
  9. Take a peach eyeshadow and with your blending brush softly blend in some colour above that medium brown to soften the transition between these colours.
  10. Take your flat brush and apply a gold shine white eyeshadow under your eyebrows to highlight the eyes.
  11.  Take your angled brush wet it and with a black eyeshadow line your upper and bottom lash line.
  12. Take your smudge brush and with a dark brown eyeshadow smudge this black line to smoothen it.
  13. Apply 2 layers of mascara
  14. Apply peachy blusher on your cheekbones and soften it with light orange highlighter.
  15. Apply rosy-brown lipliner and fill up your lips with a same rose- brown lipstick add a touch of a clear gloss on the top of the lipstick and you are good to go!
The colour combination will change regarding your clothes of course.

In case you don’t know what you are wearing go with neutrals it will always work.

Stay with us tomorrow as we will talk in details about the cocktail skin.

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well.