Category Archives: cocktail makeup

Last Day of Classes

Last Makeup class

Last day is always the hardest yet fulfilling day of the courses. The students were tasked to do an Instagram Glamour inspired Makeup with a twist.  As their last photoshoot, they did their best to create their final look as impeccable as possible.

Choosing an inspiration online for their last look was a daunting task but they were able to pull it off. Checking popular ‘makeup gurus’ online made them feel confident about doing their task.

last makeup
Final Makeup by one of the students

Lipstick Makeup Institute

How to mix and choose colours and create shapes are the first thing that our students learn in The International Platinum Media Makeup Course. In this final piece, they’re applying everything they’ve learned from choosing a foundation colour, checking the skin type, and choosing colours that would suit their model’s eye colour. They also had to apply contouring and highlighting according to their model’s facial shape.

Things that they’ve been struggling with in the first weeks they were able to achieve on their final week of photoshoots. As earlier during the week they did other shoots like the No Makeup Makeup Look and Makeup for Mature Ladies. They also did Evening looks, Glamour, and Arabic makeup. Special FX, Creative Makeup, High Fashion, and Creative Instagram Glamour Makeup were last. All of which they had to conceptualise by themselves prior to the shoots.

Join Lipstick Makeup Institute enrol now

Become a professional makeup artist in 3 weeks

The students gave it their all during the final leg of their course making sure they were able to finish their looks on time. The students also stayed with the photographer to check how their models look so they can do any touch ups if needed.

That was really a fun week!

Last Makeup class

Fashion Platinum Course

Fashion Platinum Course, Its that time again when  is going to begin.

Fashion Platinum Course The next course starts on the 11th November and there is nothing more to say that you must join.

Its the most creative, innovative, interesting and amazing Course we have developed.

For the 6 weeks you will learn all you need to know about makeup to become a professional makeup artist. We provide you with a Book like the one below which is the cover. Its mega thick and is packed full of information about every aspect of makeup.

Here at The Lipstick Makeup Institute we also have a photography studio. Not just any photography studio though. We are Special!

We have a GLOBAL Award Winning Studio, YH Studios DXB.

This advantage means that every student gets their work photographed on a daily basis. The students spend tome with the photographers in the studio and get a great understanding of how to behave like a makeup artist too. They also can see the difference between makeup for catwalk, media and beauty.

Fashion Platinum Course
Fashion Platinum Cover

Its so cool to see  how much the students increase on a daily basis with their skills. They see the change in themselves too which is such a confident boost. Once they start to learn the fundamental principles of makeup they start to really learn fast.


We teach them everything, nude makeup, fashion makeup, bridal makeup, special effects makeup, high fashion makeup. The no makeup look, Glamorous makeup, absolutely everything about makeup. We work with designers too who supply clothes and jewellers for accessories.

Become a professional makeup artist in 3 weeks.

We have so many lovely people who volunteer to come and models for the students so they can practise and as a thank you they get a free photograph.


Thank you so much to all you wonderful people.




Burj Al Arab – The Luxury Project

Burj al Arab

Burj al Arab is one of the most luxurious hotels in the UAE and we had the chance to work with the lovely Carlotta Conca  ( during her stay here in Dubai.

Carlotta is an Italian Luxury Travel blogger who has travelled in the most beautiful places around the world. She documents her stays in different hotels, resorts, travel spots for people who might want to come to those places. She also features the food, transportation, the night life and activities in the places that she goes to in style.


We were so pleased when we got an email from her indicating that she was going to be in town for a few days and she needed a photographer to document her stay at the Burj al Arab. So for us to be able to work with her is such a great honor.

Brushes, makeup, hair tools, and our cameras. Huge glass doors and gold embellished walls, furniture, and rooms greeted us upon arrival.


We brought the whole crew with us from YH Studios, one of our instructors from The Lipstick Makeup Institute, and our Platinum Makeup Course student.

 We give them tasks, even just assisting, so they know what to do in situations like this in the future.

BTS Carlotta Conca Burj al Arab Burj al Arab Burj al Arab

The student was able to complete the look with the help of the instructor for both makeup and hair. The student also assisted the model by retouching her makeup throughout the shoot.


BTS Carlotta Conca

We ended the shoot by celebrating a little with a few snacks and drinks at her hotel room.

Become a professional makeup artist in 3 weeks. Afterwards you will be a part of The Creative Show Team.

10am till 4pm

Want to join?

Further details contact us : 052 834 9964

Enrol Now and become a makeup artist in 3 weeks.

Foundation for You

Foundation Usage

Foundation is very important in makeup application.

There are literally thousands of different shades and formulas in the market today. In this blog post, I’ll give you a few easy tips and tricks when it comes to finding the perfect foundation for you.


Fashion Show Backstage
Foundation Usage


Skin Type

Finding out your skin type is vital into finding the perfect formula of foundation for your skin. Different kinds of skin types but the most common are normal, dry, oily, and combination. How do you distinguish which one is yours? Take a few oil blotting paper and place them one side of your forehead, nose, cheek, jaw, and chin. Check which blotting paper has oil in it. 

Foundation Shades
Fashion Show Backstage

Normal Skin: All sheets have a minimal amount of oil

Dry Skin: all sheets are dry

Oily Skin: All sheets have more amount of oil

Combination Skin: Forehead, Cheeks, Nose, and Chin have oil

Skin Tone

We are either Cool, Neutral or Warm toned. Check the veins on your wrists. The natural colour of our veins are blue so if your veins appear blue then you’re in the cool-toned spectrum due to the lack of melanin in the skin (skin is translucent). If your vein appears green, then you’re in the warm-toned spectrum. If you see your veins are purple then you’re probably neutral.

Skin Colour

Now that you’ve established your skin tone, time to find the right shade for you. Finding the correct shade is usually very daunting. I always suggest going to a physical store when buying foundation instead of buying online. Most formulas oxidise so it’s best to try it on yourself before purchasing it. I suggest that when you go shopping, always start with a couple of foundations you’re eyeing on and carry on throughout your day shopping. Check it after a couple of hours and then come back to the shop to purchase or try another one. 

Foundation Usage
Foundation Shade

In choosing your foundation shade, apply your foundation to your jawline and part of your neck. Decide on which part of your body do you want to follow (neck and chest or face) because most of us have either lighter or darker faces than other parts of our body. 


In choosing the thickness, texture and formula of your foundation, you have to choose it according to your skin type.

Normal Skin: Any Liquid or Cream-based

Dry Skin: BB Creams, Liquid and Cream-based with extra moisture

Oily Skin: Water-based Cake, Full Matte Coverage, Compact Powder Foundation.

Combination: Any formula as long as it’s properly primed and moisturised in the correct areas.

Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your new foundation.:)

All in all Visit our website: to learn about our different makeup courses available and get massive discounts on our Platinum and Gold Makeup Courses.

Platinum Makeup Course at The Lipstick Makeup Institute (Javaria)

Hi Guys!The Platinum Makeup Course.

Now we will talk about the experience of one of our students here who took The Platinum Makeup Course at The Lipstick Make Up Institute  who graduated last December 2016.

Javaria flew all over from Pakistan to enrol in our Institute. She started with zero knowledge in makeup.


At first she doesn’t know how to differentiate the difference between the shade of the foundation, what is the best suits the skin tone of one person. This is the most important step when applying make up.

All in all, the word itself, “foundation” really says it all. Like when building a house, if you have a good foundation then you can build on it successfully. Another simile is like a relationship. Start with a good foundation then this can be built on an and an amazing relationship can grow.

How we started

We started to show her the tools, different kinds of brushes. Then followed by the step by step on how to apply makeup starting from cleaning, toning and moisturising.

However. skin tone of a person is not easy for a beginner but if you have a passion and interest to learn it will come easy to determine just like what Javaria did.

She listens and observed very well to her teacher to achieve this kind of makeup for her models. Slowly day by day by doing makeup to her models she achieved different kinds of look from day time look to evening and glamorous look. And also the creative look which they enjoyed to do so much.

Take a look at the sample work of the Make Up students. Look what Javaria achieved from her course. On The Platinum Course we cover every different aspect of make up.

You can achieve your goals with us at Lipstick and Yh Studios. We are becoming the best make up institute in Dubai. 

Platinum Makeup Course at The Lipstick with Diploma
best makeup school dubai



Platinum Makeup Course at The Lipstick with Diploma
makeup school dubai


Thank you for tuning with us the next topic we will share the experience of one of our Student who also took the Platinum Course with us. We are just so proud of sharing their journey with us and seeing their improvements and achievements as becoming makeup artist.

All in all, we can’t wait to see you anytime at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, Give  Yh Studios  a call anytime on
+971 (0) 52
83 49964.

+971 (0) 4 558 7515

The International Diploma Platinum Makeup Course

International Platinum Media Makeup Course With Diploma

Best Makeup Course

ONLY 1 place left, hurry

The Lipstick Makeup Institute 
“Love what you do, do what you love”

Do youhave a passion for makeup…

Become a Professional Makeup Artist in just 6 weeks

Also Receive an International Diploma 

10 Professional Pictures of you work for your portfolio

Than Opportunity to work with Professional models


40% OFF


Don’t  miss out on this amazing  opportunity  

Starting 5th November  2017

6 Week Course

Sunday – Thursday, 10am – 4pm


Although Learn all aspects of Makeup 

No makeup look, Daytime and Evening Look

European bridal

Smokey looks (classical, wet smoky)

Catwalk and Red Carpet Make up

Glamorous Make up

Glamorous Makeup
Glamorous Makeup

I.e. Arabic Make up

Bollywood Make up

Creative Makeup
Creative Makeup

Fantasy and Creative looks

Special Effects

Halloween is just around the corner why not learn to create your own Zombies just in time

Based in the Heart of Dubai, Media City

Using only the best Kryolan Products

This Course is also for people who are serious about a career as a ***Professional Media Makeup Artist***

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”


All in all Creative, Imagination, Fun, Artistic

As I have said, a portfolio can also be useful when applying for makeup opportunities. 


All in all the course is about learning and about you. 

Above all we look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a look at our website to get some ideas. 

Because we have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Furthermore contact us for more information 
052 834 9964

Mothers Day makeup by our students

Lets celebrate all the lovely Mums!

The Lipstick Makeup Institute was a part of the Mothers Day makeup filming in Osh Kosh baby store.

Mothers Day makeup at Osh Kosh store


Your setup reflects you. Make sure that your makeup products and brushes are always clean and well organised.

We took our students to experience the working on a location and in front of camera feeling of the Mothers Day makeup filming .

Our students were responsible for a nice flawless and fresh makeup on these lovely ladies.

Students in action applying Mothers Day makeup


The task was easy. The mothers got few questions to answer while our students are pampering them and making sure they look lovely and perfectly made up. In this case the perfectly made up means not over the top, nothing glamorous but just a touch of makeup what will make the face fresh, the skin flawless.

The less is always more. This is the most important to memorise!

Always work with the face and the features. Don’t try to apply the same makeup style on every single face.

We are all unique, we all have a different personality also different needs when it comes to makeup. What will suit to me won’t suit you and to some other person.

Our students are trained in that way to recognise the needs of different faces and features. Makeup is used to enhance the beauty and correct the small imperfections not to make you look like a different person.


Todays makeup look was a Mothers Day makeup. Why is it different than the other makeup looks?

Its very light as a base. On the eyes we were using beige, browns with a touch of highlight. Mascara of course is a must. On the cheeks we added a touch of peach-orange colour to give a refreshing effect for the face as some of our ladies didn’t sleep much. On the lips a transparent lipgloss.

Mothers Day makeup

Our students in action. Beautifying our lovely models.

It was fun. We heard loads of stories about the funniest stories about their kids, the most important words they love to hear from their kids, and the everyday with 2 or 3 kids in the house.

All these lovely ladies deserve loads of attention, love and pampering… not only when its Mothers Day… but every day!!


البلاتين دورة ماكياج

البلاتين دورة ماكياج

اهلا ياجماعة!


الآن سوف نتحدث عن تجربة واحد من طلابنا هنا الذي تولى البلاتين دورة مكياج في لأحمر الشفاه المكياج المعهد الذي تخرج في ديسمبر الماضي 2016.

طار Javaria كل من باكستان إلى الانخراط في معهدنا. وقالت إنها بدأت مع صفر المعرفة في ماكياج. في البداية أنها لا تعرف كيفية التفريق بين الفرق بين الظل من الأساس، ما هو يناسب لون البشرة من شخص واحد. هذه هي الخطوة الأكثر أهمية عند تطبيق الماكياج. الكلمة نفسها،الأساسحقا يقول كل شيء. مثل عند بناء المنزل، وإذا كان لديك أساسا جيدا ثم يمكنك بناء على ذلك بنجاح. التشبيه آخر مثل العلاقة. تبدأ أساسا جيدا ثم وهذا يمكن أن يبنى على وجود علاقة مذهلة يمكن أن تنمو.

بدأنا تبين لها الأدوات، وأنواع مختلفة من فرش. ثم تليها خطوة بخطوة حول كيفية تطبيق ماكياج بدءا من التنظيف، التنغيم والترطيب.

تحليل الشكل، لون البشرة من شخص ليست سهلة للمبتدئين ولكن إذا كان لديك شغف واهتمام لمعرفة ذلك سيأتي من السهل تحديد تماما مثل ما فعل Javaria. تستمع ولاحظ جيدا لمعلمتها لتحقيق هذا النوع من الماكياج لنماذج لها. ببطء يوما بعد يوم عن طريق القيام ماكياج لنماذج لها أنها حققت أنواع مختلفة من نظرة من النهار ننظر إلى المساء، ونظرة براقة. وكذلك نظرة المبدع الذي يتمتعون به للقيام كثيرا.

نلقي نظرة على عمل عينة من المكياج الطلاب. انظروا الى ما تحقق Javaria من مسلكه. على ملعب البلاتين نغطي كل جوانب مختلفة من الماكياج.

يمكنك تحقيق أهدافك معنا في أحمر الشفاه واستوديوهات YH. أصبحنا أفضل يشكلون المعهد في دبي

‘ahlaan yajimaeatan!

alan sawf natahaddath ean tajribat wahid min talabina huna aldhy tawalla albilatayn dawrat makiaaj fi li’ahmar alshshffah almakiaaj almaehad aldhy takhruj fi disambir almadi 2016.

tar Javaria kl min bakistan ‘iilaa alainkhirat fi maeahdina. waqalat ‘innaha bada’at mae sifr almaerifat fi makyaj. fi albidayat ‘annaha la taerif kayfiat alttafriq bayn alfarq bayn alzzll min al’asasi, ma hu yunasib lawn albashrat min shakhs wahda. hadhih hi alkhatwat al’akthar ‘ahammiat eind tatbiq almakiaji. alkalimat nafsiha, “al’asasa” haqqanaan yaqul kl shay’an. mithl eind bina’ almunazzil, wa’iidha kan ladayk ‘asasaan jayidaan thumm yumkinuk bina’an ealaa dhlk binajahi. alttushabbih akhar mithl alealaqat. tabda ‘asasaan jayidaan thumm wahadha ymkn ‘an yabnaa ealaa wujud ealaqat mudhhilat ymkn ‘an tanmu.


tahlil alshkl, lawn albashrat min shakhs laysat sahlatan lilmubtadiiyn walakun ‘iidha kan ladayk shaghf waihtimam limaerifat dhlk sayati min alssahl tahdid tamamaan mithl ma faeal Javaria. tastamie walahaz jayidaan limaelimatiha litahqiq hdha alnnawe min almakiaj linumadhij laha. bbt’ yawmaan baed yawm ean tariq alqiam makiaj linumadhij laha ‘annaha haqqaqat ‘anwae mukhtalifat min nazrat mmin alnnahar nanzur ‘iilaa almasa’i, wanazrat biraqatan. wakadhalik nazrat almubdie aldhy yatamattaeun bih lilqiam kathira.

yumkinuk tahqiq ‘ahdafik maeana fi ‘ahmar alshshffah wastawdyuhat YH. ‘asbahna ‘afdal yushakkilun almaehad fi dibay.

As I have said, a portfolio can also be useful when applying for makeup opportunities. 

All in all the course is about learning and about you. 

Above all we look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a look at our website to get some ideas. 

During the course work with photographers.

Because we have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج


The 20 minutes Cocktail Makeup look

The 20 minutes Cocktail Makeup look

The 20 minutes Cocktail Makeup look
The 20 minutes Cocktail Makeup look


You might ask “Cocktail Makeup”?

What is that?

It’s a perfect makeup look for your business dinners, weddings that starts in the morning time and any other occasion you want to look a bit more made up than the daytime loo but less than an evening look.

Lets see the steps:
  1. Clean snd refresh your face before applying the foundation. You can use simple wet wipes to clean your face and toner to refresh it.
  2. Apply your favourite foundation. The coverage for the cocktail makeup is from light to medium. Still not full. Keep it soft and don’t cake it up let it glow.
  3. When it comes to contours and highlights if you are not a contouring freak keep it light. You don’t need layers and layers on your face for a cocktail makeup.
  4. Set your foundation and the whole base with a thin layer of a loose powder. Don’t use compacts as your 3rd step. Leave the skin open and don’t powder it up with the compacts. They are the best for touch ups.
  5. Fill up your eyebrows with a 3 shade lighter eye shadow than your brow colour.
  6. Apply a base colour on your eyelid. The base colour is close to your skin colour.
  7. Take your blending brush and swipe a medium brown colour in your crease line.
  8. Take a black eyeshadow and dab a touch of it in your outer corners of the eyes.
  9. Take a peach eyeshadow and with your blending brush softly blend in some colour above that medium brown to soften the transition between these colours.
  10. Take your flat brush and apply a gold shine white eyeshadow under your eyebrows to highlight the eyes.
  11.  Take your angled brush wet it and with a black eyeshadow line your upper and bottom lash line.
  12. Take your smudge brush and with a dark brown eyeshadow smudge this black line to smoothen it.
  13. Apply 2 layers of mascara
  14. Apply peachy blusher on your cheekbones and soften it with light orange highlighter.
  15. Apply rosy-brown lipliner and fill up your lips with a same rose- brown lipstick add a touch of a clear gloss on the top of the lipstick and you are good to go!
The colour combination will change regarding your clothes of course.

In case you don’t know what you are wearing go with neutrals it will always work.

Stay with us tomorrow as we will talk in details about the cocktail skin.

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well.