Tag Archives: YH Studios

البلاتين دورة ماكياج

البلاتين دورة ماكياج

اهلا ياجماعة!


الآن سوف نتحدث عن تجربة واحد من طلابنا هنا الذي تولى البلاتين دورة مكياج في لأحمر الشفاه المكياج المعهد الذي تخرج في ديسمبر الماضي 2016.

طار Javaria كل من باكستان إلى الانخراط في معهدنا. وقالت إنها بدأت مع صفر المعرفة في ماكياج. في البداية أنها لا تعرف كيفية التفريق بين الفرق بين الظل من الأساس، ما هو يناسب لون البشرة من شخص واحد. هذه هي الخطوة الأكثر أهمية عند تطبيق الماكياج. الكلمة نفسها،الأساسحقا يقول كل شيء. مثل عند بناء المنزل، وإذا كان لديك أساسا جيدا ثم يمكنك بناء على ذلك بنجاح. التشبيه آخر مثل العلاقة. تبدأ أساسا جيدا ثم وهذا يمكن أن يبنى على وجود علاقة مذهلة يمكن أن تنمو.

بدأنا تبين لها الأدوات، وأنواع مختلفة من فرش. ثم تليها خطوة بخطوة حول كيفية تطبيق ماكياج بدءا من التنظيف، التنغيم والترطيب.

تحليل الشكل، لون البشرة من شخص ليست سهلة للمبتدئين ولكن إذا كان لديك شغف واهتمام لمعرفة ذلك سيأتي من السهل تحديد تماما مثل ما فعل Javaria. تستمع ولاحظ جيدا لمعلمتها لتحقيق هذا النوع من الماكياج لنماذج لها. ببطء يوما بعد يوم عن طريق القيام ماكياج لنماذج لها أنها حققت أنواع مختلفة من نظرة من النهار ننظر إلى المساء، ونظرة براقة. وكذلك نظرة المبدع الذي يتمتعون به للقيام كثيرا.

نلقي نظرة على عمل عينة من المكياج الطلاب. انظروا الى ما تحقق Javaria من مسلكه. على ملعب البلاتين نغطي كل جوانب مختلفة من الماكياج.

يمكنك تحقيق أهدافك معنا في أحمر الشفاه واستوديوهات YH. أصبحنا أفضل يشكلون المعهد في دبي

‘ahlaan yajimaeatan!

alan sawf natahaddath ean tajribat wahid min talabina huna aldhy tawalla albilatayn dawrat makiaaj fi li’ahmar alshshffah almakiaaj almaehad aldhy takhruj fi disambir almadi 2016.

tar Javaria kl min bakistan ‘iilaa alainkhirat fi maeahdina. waqalat ‘innaha bada’at mae sifr almaerifat fi makyaj. fi albidayat ‘annaha la taerif kayfiat alttafriq bayn alfarq bayn alzzll min al’asasi, ma hu yunasib lawn albashrat min shakhs wahda. hadhih hi alkhatwat al’akthar ‘ahammiat eind tatbiq almakiaji. alkalimat nafsiha, “al’asasa” haqqanaan yaqul kl shay’an. mithl eind bina’ almunazzil, wa’iidha kan ladayk ‘asasaan jayidaan thumm yumkinuk bina’an ealaa dhlk binajahi. alttushabbih akhar mithl alealaqat. tabda ‘asasaan jayidaan thumm wahadha ymkn ‘an yabnaa ealaa wujud ealaqat mudhhilat ymkn ‘an tanmu.


tahlil alshkl, lawn albashrat min shakhs laysat sahlatan lilmubtadiiyn walakun ‘iidha kan ladayk shaghf waihtimam limaerifat dhlk sayati min alssahl tahdid tamamaan mithl ma faeal Javaria. tastamie walahaz jayidaan limaelimatiha litahqiq hdha alnnawe min almakiaj linumadhij laha. bbt’ yawmaan baed yawm ean tariq alqiam makiaj linumadhij laha ‘annaha haqqaqat ‘anwae mukhtalifat min nazrat mmin alnnahar nanzur ‘iilaa almasa’i, wanazrat biraqatan. wakadhalik nazrat almubdie aldhy yatamattaeun bih lilqiam kathira.

yumkinuk tahqiq ‘ahdafik maeana fi ‘ahmar alshshffah wastawdyuhat YH. ‘asbahna ‘afdal yushakkilun almaehad fi dibay.

As I have said, a portfolio can also be useful when applying for makeup opportunities. 

All in all the course is about learning and about you. 

Above all we look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a look at our website to get some ideas. 

During the course work with photographers.

Because we have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج
البلاتين دورة ماكياج


سر الجلد ندي


سر الجلد ندي

كلنا نحب أن توهج صحي والانتهاء الرطب على الجلد. أنه يعطي نظرة جديدة وناعمة على الجلد، وبالطبع اتجاها المطلق. لتحقيق ذلك سوف أطلعكم على بعض تقنيات سهلة حقا والنصائح: استخدام مرطب قبل الأساس رش وجهك مع رش الماء قبل تأسيس تطبيق الأساس السائل مع فرشاة الأساس رش رذاذ الماء على وجهك تطبيق مؤسسة الحدث

Kryolan تلمع في طبقة رقيقة على وجهه رش وجه مع رذاذ الماء إضافة لمسة من البودرة السائبة على الوجه رش وجهك مع رش الماء فمن السهل والسريع. تبدو لطيفة حقا في حياته الطقس ولكن الصيف أيضا. حظا سعيدا للتجريب البقاء معنا لمزيد من تيس والحيل انظروا إلى الصورة أدناه لمدى الجلد يمكن أن تتوهج في ضوء الشمس. وتمييز تبدو مدهشة وتضيء

استخدامها إلى أقصى الحدود ولكن أولا نبدأ جيدة يشكلون ها ها ها. بمجرد البدء في تطبيق الماكياج في كل مرة سوف تحصل على أفضل. وكلما ممارسة، كان ذلك أفضل وسوف تصبح. من الأفضل لك أن تصبح، كان ذلك أفضل لك سوف ننظر. من الأفضل لك أن ننظر، والمزيد من الثقة سيكون لديك. لمزيد من الثقة لديك، وأكثر شعبية سوف تصبح. أكثر شعبية يمكنك أن تصبح أكثر راحة وسوف تشعر. أعتقد أنك نوع من الحصول على ما أقوله! كل شيء يبدأ مع حسن الماكياج! احجز لنفسك بالطبع معنا، ونحن سوف يعلمك كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته من شأنها أن تعطيك فرصة جديدة للحياة ها ها ها. حسنا. من تعرف؟ يمكننا ان نحاول فقط.

klna nahib ‘ann tawhaj sahy walaintiha’ alrratb ealaa aljuld. ‘


سر الجلد ندي
سر الجلد ندي



سر الجلد ندي

As I have said, a portfolio can also be useful when applying for makeup opportunities. 

All in all the course is about learning and about you. 

Above all we look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a look at our website to get some ideas. 

During the course work with photographers.

Because we have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Although don’t miss out on any of our latest blog posts, events, workshops, and special offers!  follow us on social media to stay updated with all the exciting happenings at The Lipstick Makeup Institute.

Finally Stay beautiful, stay inspired!

Day 2 Halloween Make up

Day 2 Halloween Make up

Our second day at #billionairemansiondubai where we are doing all the halloween make up! Scary stuff ha. One of the best nightclubs in Dubai.

Don’t you just love Dubai? Everyone just gets so  involved and makes the most of every occasion. It really is a community like no other. I feel that everyone cares about themselves and loves one another and really do make friends easy here. Make up and photography brings everyone together in a unique way.


This is a city to party and make the most out of life. You would think in an Arab country things would be a little suppressed but Sheikh Mohammed in my eyes and really everyone I know we call him The Great Sheikh Mohammed. He is the greeters guy on this earth in my opinion, I can say that because my father is no longer with us!


He has given us an opportunity to come here and live our dreams. Given us the freedom to grow and create and party! I can’t thank this great man enough.


So getting back to Halloween, As I do tend to meander when I feel passionate about things which is basically everything!!


Here are some shots of our amazing Lipstick make Up Institute Team at work.


Hope you like them.


Tune in all this week for our diverse lifestyles. Tomorrow Nikki Beach!



Day 2 Halloween Make up
Day 2 Halloween Make up

Day 2 Halloween Make up Day 2 Halloween Make up Day 2 Halloween Make up Day 2 Halloween Make up Day 2 Halloween Make up Day 2 Halloween Make up img_5629 img_5630 img_5632 Day 2 Halloween Make up img_5635 img_5636 img_5637 img_5638


All in All learn more makeup hacks from our expert educators.

However if you wanna become a makeup artist we have 3 weeks diploma KHDA Certified.

You will get professional portfolio of your work.

Although all our platinum diploma students are working with us on our projects.

Lastly we are one of the leading celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although feel free to contact us or call us  
052 834 9964.

Stay tuned thanks. 


Arab Fashion Week Final Day

Arab Fashion Week Final Day

Arab Fashion Week Final Day

I just have to share these images with you from Arab Fashion Week Final day. It was so amazing. The models, The Lipstick make Up Institute Teams were just on fire as were the Lipstick Hair Teams.

Just a team effort. Its amazing the amount of people that come together and support each other and help one another.

Have a look at the photographs. behind The scenes are always the best. Backstage is where all the action takes place.

The Lipstick Make Up Institute is fast becoming in demand as is getting known because of our dedication. Hard work and commitment to our clients for being one of the best if not the best make Up Institute in Dubai. We work hard for this title though. Pure work but to be truthful it does not feel like work at all as its just what we love to do.

This is our motto on the wall, ” Love What you do and do what you love”.

Thats the slogan we all live by and as I say to everyone the day I stop loving it is the day that I will stop. Pack my bags and retreat to a far away island, open a bar, get a little boat to pull clients on water skis. Have a little tapas restaurant attached with a a Spanish/ Pakistani/ Irish twist!. I am half Pakistani and half Irish and tapas originates from Spain Thats where all the fusion come together.

Arab Fashion Week Final Day

Thats my dream and believe me one day I will do it but right  now I am loving my life just too much but one day not too far away.


“Time to Chill” will be my new slogan to live my life by.


Have a little look at our last day anyway as I am rabbiting on ha!


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Arab Fashion Week Final Day Arab Fashion Week Final Day Arab Fashion Week Final Day Arab Fashion Week Final Day


Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party

Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party

Well we survived the first year with flying colours. We have been involved in so many events. Fashion Shows. Courses. Photoshoots. The list is endless.

All are invited a few selected friends to join in our celebrations of winning the Eurasian World Championships, celebrate the MD’s, Yasmin Hussain Birthday and also for completing The Week at Arab Fashion week.

We thoroughly enjoyed our whole event. We put on a few small fashion shows and displayed some amazing designers clothes with beautiful models.


The designer were:



Ana Grcic #agisic231grcic,
Tata Fashion www.tatjanatat.com
Jules Quirante #julesquirante
Dina Jam Joum #dimajamjoun

Shot by #yhstudiosdxb and the hair by #hairsalonuae#kryolan





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Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party

How to network

Firstly, talking to people  plays a big  role in building your career.

Secondly, all in all, these  can lead to jobs  and great things.

For instance, you might meet photographers or models who need a makeup artist for their projects.

Thirdly, however, marketing yourself effectively is also vital.

Lastly,  as a result, having a strong presence on social media.


Things  like Instagram or YouTube can attract more clients.

Afterwards by showing your work online helps reach a more people to get you known.

Even more,  posting and engaging with followers can  boost your visibility.

Moreover,  get world experience is invaluable.

Therefore, offer your services for events such as weddings, photoshoots, or fashion shows.

Have a look at our website:

Also, each experience makes  your skills and builds your brand.

Additionally, don’t to start small.

Working at a makeup counter can gives good experience and increase your confidence.

In conclusion, becoming a makeup artist requires a lot of work practice, and keep learning.

Another key point, is by following these steps and staying positive is great.

Consequently, you’ll be well on your way to a wonderful career in the makeup world.

Also, with hard work  you can turn your passion into a fab profession.


_mg_4120 Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party _mg_4105 Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party


Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party
Lipstick 1st Year anniversary Party

Day 4 of Arab Fashion Week

Day 4 of Arab Fashion Week

Another amazing, crazy busy day at Meydan Hotel. We are the major Sponsors of Arab Fashion week for the hair, make up and nails.

I am blown away by the camaraderie, support and respect everyone has for each other.

These events are something special that everyone just loves to be involved in, including me. Sometimes it make you crazy as the pressure and timings are sometimes unrealistic but its fun and exciting!

People respond better under pressure. What does not break us makes us stronger.


Here are some amazing shots from #yhstudiosdxb our sister company.

_mg_2856-copy_mg_2850-copy_mg_2824-copyDay 4 of Arab Fashion Week

Day 4 of Arab Fashion Week
Moreover,  get world experience is invaluable.

Therefore, offer your services for events such as weddings, photoshoots, or fashion shows.

Have a look at our website:

Also, each experience makes  your skills and builds your brand.

Additionally, don’t to start small.

Working at a makeup counter can gives good experience and increase your confidence.

In conclusion, becoming a makeup artist requires a lot of work practice, and keep learning.

Another key point, is by following these steps and staying positive is great.

Consequently, you’ll be well on your way to a wonderful career in the makeup world.

Also, with hard work  you can turn your passion into a fab profession.

Firstly, talking to people  plays a big  role in building your career.

Secondly, all in all, these  can lead to jobs  and great things.

For instance, you might meet photographers or models who need a makeup artist for their projects.

Thirdly, however, marketing yourself effectively is also vital.

Lastly,  as a result, having a strong presence on social media.


Things  like Instagram or YouTube can attract more clients.

Afterwards by showing your work online helps reach a more people to get you known.

Even more,  posting and engaging with followers can  boost your visibility.



First Day of Arab Fashion Week


What a great start to Arab Fashion Week, The lipstick Make up Teams are showing Dubai just how good they are. We have such great support. Brown Sugar Hair Salon, Wisam Nour Hair Salon are our amazing partners.

We are so grateful that we all come together and work like dream teams.

We are definitely rocking the back stage.


here is a sneak preview at what happens behind the scenes.


Great models, great organisation, feeling very happy.


A quiet day though in comparison to what is going to happen over the next 4 days. Hold on guy ha


Look at our name up high on the board. Yes we are on our way!!


Being part of a great team is so much better than going solo.

Its healthy, supportive and even parts relaxing as you know that we are all there to support each other.


Like the first show today, 40 children aaaaah ha , all for hair, pigtails, grungy and a bit of blusher and lip gloss.


So cute, kids on the catwalk is just so sweet.


Also is a wonderful pictures of amazing lamya Abedin. Just a bespoke wonderful designer and a woman too. A great representative of the females of this world taking it by storm .


First Day of Arab Fashion Week
First Day of Arab Fashion Week

First Day of Arab Fashion Week   img_4294   First Day of Arab Fashion Week    First Day of Arab Fashion Week    img_4330  img_4332

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

We look forward to seeing you at The Lipstick Makeup Institute

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 


Another Successful Make Up Student

Another Successful Make Up Student

We are always so proud that students travel across the globe to choose our make up institute over any other to to teach them the skills that they need to advance them into the world of Make Up.


I am always flattered when I ask them, How did you find us”? and they say that they google, “Make Up Schools in Dubai” and they looked at what all the schools had to offer and they like the look of our website, our testimonials, the work that we do and they see what the students are achieving and we are far ahead of any other make up institute. It means that we have done our job well.


Its not just a business but its our life and we just love it. 


Once you leave the Institute we don’t forget you though. We really do care about our students. They become a part of  our small family here.




This is such a great advantage for the students to have such images in their portfolio as believe e when i tell you that I have interviewed over 60 make Up Artists and no one! has any professional images. I advertised for a “teacher” and one applicant sent me face cards, I couldn’t understand this at all. Unreal.


I know how important it is to have a portfolio and a  diary of your achievements. I have been a photographer for 28 years so I really do know the value of a portfolio and thats why when we were  comprising the courses it was imperative that we incorporated professional photographs for the students portfolios.


Here are the results of one of our students who has just finished a 3 Day Bronze Course.


Amazing pictures with great talent.

Another Successful Make Up Student
Another Successful Make Up Student

Bronze 1

Bronze 2


Special Effects Old Look

Special Effects Old Look

Well, it is always fun to learn at the Make up institute but especially when its a creative special effects day.

Our student chose our make up school as she did here research from South Africa and decided that we were the best make up school in Dubai to teach her all that she wants to know and she was absolutely right.

The daily task was to to make a relatively young person old and just take a look at the results.

Using the best makeup in our opinion, Kryolan , you can actually do anything. Once you learn the techniques then the make up will allow yo to explore the possibilities of your talent and give you the freedom to push yourself to the limits.

I am sure you agree that the results are great.  All our photos are shot by our sister photography studio,  YH Studios DXB. They have been here for 4 years and are the prefect partner for a make up school. In fact, I don’t know how the school would be without it. Everyone make up school should have one. The results of any make up lesson need to be recorded and thats what YH Studios does. Our students have this great advantage and we are the only make up school in Dubai to have such a partner company.

See, learning is fun!

Please feel free to comment and ask any questions.

Here are a couple of videos from behind the scenes so you can see how we get our models into character.


Special Effects Makeup
Special Effects Makeup


Special Effects Makeup
Special Effects Old Look


Special Effects Makeup Special Effects Makeup

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Creative UV Makeup Training

Creative UV Makeup Training

“We love what we do and do what we love”

Thats Our Motto and we stick to it!

And the most we love is to create yet unseen looks and concepts in makeup and showcase it to all of you.

Yesterday was a Creative makeup training day in our Institute for The Lipstick Team.

We love our team and they deserve the best training.

We were presenting 2 completely different looks:

  1. Avant-garde makeup

2. Fantasy makeup – body painting with UV Glow colours


About the Avant-garde style

The term avant-garde refers to innovative or experimental concepts or works, or the group of people producing them. Pushing boundaries with the  development of Cubism, Pablo Picasso was part of the early 20th-century art world’s avant-garde. He in fact Personifies this style!

So we were pushing our boundaries and combined loads of different makeup application techniques in our Creative Make Up day.

Of course as always we were using Kryolan products so much glitters, gellafix, crushed mirror, sequences, crystals, Supracolors in colours, Aquacolors and glitter powders and pure colour pigments.

Our concept was to create something different and special.

Inspired by high fashion and fantasy looks, to create an aqua, watery impression followed by glow and shine.

Our models final look is really impressive, different and extraordinary but still she looks beautiful and feminine.

Fantasy look with UV glow colours

Our another look was inspired by the fantastic Galaxy.

This is how we created the, “Galactical Princess” Look, Sparkly and bright.

Handmade skirt, painted top and collar were the main contents of this look.

It was a real fun look to work on Our Lipstick Teams were fascinated as they had never been involved in anything like this before. A complete transformation before their eyes.

I was applying the UV colours in the dark under the UV light with the whole team watching it.

Of course it was a bit challenging but that was the most interesting part in it.

For the whole look we were using Kryolan products.

Kryolan UV glow aqua colors, UV glow eyeshadows and Hair spray and a free hand to draw some funky lines and splash the colours all over the models body.

Because we really enjoyed creating the look and looking forward to the next project.

Creation Number 1

_MG_6885 _MG_6890 _MG_6902b Creative UV Makeup Workshop Creative UV Makeup Workshop

Creation Number 2




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Creative UV Makeup Workshop
Creative UV Makeup Workshop

All in all we are one window solution photo studio and makeup institute.

Firstly & Lastly we are the best makeup school in UAE.

Because we are the best.

However have a look at our website: