More about choosing the correct Blusher for your skin
Continue reading More about choosing the correct Blusher for your skin tone. (part 2)
More about choosing the correct Blusher for your skin
Continue reading More about choosing the correct Blusher for your skin tone. (part 2)
Thirdly,Apply the lash glue to the outer seam of the eyelash strip with an applicator or small brush. Allow the glue to dry for a moment before applying it to your lashes.
Lastly, Alternatively, you can squeeze a thin line of lash glue onto the back of your non-dominant hand. Then, gently run the outer seam of the eyelash strip along it.
However, thats all for today my ladies!
Tomorrow will learn about blusher application
Don’t miss it!
Perfect Smokey Eyes look
Your smokey eye makeup is a collection of different looks you create. Each element of makeup is characterised by its colour, finish, and performance. If your makeup is chosen correctly and your looks are skilfully combined, you are a woman with makeup sense.
Firstly outline your eye contour with a black eye pencil, all the way around. Make the line thicker along the upper lashes.
With a brush or a sponge applicator, apply your base colour eyeshadow on the mobile eyelid and above the crease, about halfway to the eyebrows, blending slightly.
With a pointy sponge applicator, apply contour colour eyeshadow all the way around your eyes, blending it well with the pencil line.
You will now need to define the outside corners of your eyes using a horizontal “V” shape. The position of the pointy end of the “V” will control the apparent shape of your eyes.
With a medium-sized soft round brush (you can also use a flat one, holding it sideways), blend the eyeshadows on the upper eyelid. With a flat brush, blend the eyeshadows on the lower eyelid.
Repeat your contour colour application with a sponge, as many times as needed to achieve a deep shade. Blend again with brushes after every application.
Apply highlight colour eyeshadow or facial powder under your eyebrows to ease the blending of the dark contour and add some volume to your eye makeup.
For an irresistible deep regard, outline the inside contour of your eyes with eye pencil. Use darker-than-usual eyebrows and lots of mascara to finish the look. Your eyes should now be smokier then ever before!
All in All To keep your bright eye makeup in balance, try a stronger blush, and keep your lips pale with a light gloss application.
Don’t forget the perfect smokey eyes are all about blending and practice.
See you all tomorrow as we discuss about Lipsticks and will give you amazing tips how to get perfect lips by applying the lipstick in a correct way because we are experts.
Contact number & WhatsApp: +971 52 8497972 /+971 52 8349964
Although you can Learn Makeup on weekends as well
All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.
All our works can be seen on our Instagram & Facebook pages.
Makeup Educators in the world of Dubai
However have a look at our website so you get a better understanding of what we do.
With lots love your Lipstick Makeup Institute Team.
Tips Smokey Eye Look
Steps :
1- Cleansing – we are using the LAQUA tonic
2- For a healthy glowing, dewy skin will use the Kryolan Vitacolor foundation and blend it with a sponge.
3- Our models undertones are warm to correct it will use a yellow corrector.
4- Contouring and highlighting with Kryolan Supracolors.
5- Set the foundation with white translucent powder.
6 Define and fill in the eyebrows with dark brown eye shadow.
7- Apply a base colour on the entire eyelid.
8- Contour the upper lash line with black eye shadow
9- For a perfect smokey look smudge the contours with dark brown eye shadow and define the crease lineStep 10 Apply a white gold highlighter under the eyebrows
11- Define the bottom lash line with black eye shadow and smudge it
12- For the absolute glamorous look apply micro pigments on the lid
13- Mascara on the bottom lash line
14 – Apply the blush and highlighter
15 – Lipstick application
Tips Smokey Eye Look
Enroll Your Course only 6 seats in 1 class.
After all Enrol Platinum Makeup Diploma and become a professional makeup artist in 3 weeks
However, Further more any inquiry feel free to contact
However, look forward to see you at The Lipstick Makeup Institute,.We will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too.
While Learning you can practice on models and get a chance to work with clients and celebrities.
Additionally they can also go into your portfolio.
Also have a look at our website you will see all the amazing work we do.
Also, we are Top Leading Makeup School in Dubai, become a part of our special team after graduate The Creative Show team.
By the same time you can choose your days and hours as we are very flexible.
Moreover we are the best Makeup school in Dubai.
Call us on
+971 (0) 52 83 499 64
International Fashion Week
Welcome to International Fashion Week backstage is one of the most exciting events of the year. The rush is still flowing form the Day 1 and its all go go go behind the scenes, so come on in and see what Day 2 had in store for The Lipstick Makeup Institute team.
As always our Lipstick Make Up team is creating and making the models look beautiful on the catwalk. Fresh, professional and stylish make up and hair. Our Creative team are just amazing. Livia the Master Make Up Teacher, trains then students to become the best Make Up Artists in Dubai.
Have a look at the photographs. behind The scenes are always the best. Backstage is where all the action takes place.
The Lipstick Make Up Institute is fast becoming in demand as is getting known because of our dedication. Hard work and commitment to our clients for being one of the best make Up Institute in Dubai. We work hard for this title though. Pure work but it does not feel like work at all as its just what we love to do.
This is our motto on the wall, ” Love What you do and do what you love”.
Thats the slogan we all live by and as I say to everyone the day I stop loving it is the day that I will stop. Pack my bags and retreat to a far away island, open a bar, get a little boat to pull clients on water skis. Have a little tapas restaurant attached with a a Spanish/ Pakistani/ Irish twist!. I am half Pakistani and half Irish and tapas originates from Spain Thats where all the fusion come together.
Feel free to call us any time or whatsapp us if you have any inquiry we love to help you and assist you +971 52 834 9964.
All in all for more tips and tricks keep follow us stay tuned for next blog.
All in all we have our own Photo Studio with professional team the help you to make amazing portfolio of your work photos, trending reels.
The National Newspaper Article
After all, the National Newspaper ArticleThanks to The National Newspaper for great Coverage of Our Sister Company YH Studios.
All in all. which is a Great Photography Studio in the heart of Media City.
In fact, everyone who comes has a beautiful time and amazing memories whether they are here for a photoshoot or even just make up
All things considered, we love what we do and do what we love, is our motto.
Above all we are about serving our customers and training them to be the best they can be.
Both makeup and photography are a dream team.
Not only because they compliment each other but you cant have 1 without the other.
If you want some evidence then look at our website and see amazing makeup with fabulous photography:
If then you are not convinces I will eat my hat.
As much as you love makeup don’t you always want to take a photography? a selfie?
At this instant you will understand everything that I am saying is true.
Balanced against looking good and feeling great we want to record it with a photograph.
Firstly, have a good think about the level you want to become, is it a hobby or a career?
Secondly, give us a call to have a chat about your needs.
Thirdly, make sure you have a descent set of brushes.
Lastly, come to The Lipstick Makeup Institute with an open mind and get learning from the best teachers in Dubai.
However, you can always pass by and have look at the institute and a chat with us at anytime.
As long as you drop us a message we will make sure that we are free.
See you soon.
Free Make Up Demonstration Day
All of a sudden we are having a free Make Up Demonstration Day.
Not only will have live demonstrations all day and throughout the evening., we will be showing you many different looks and how easy it is to achieve with the correct products and techniques.
However, also anyone who books any class on the day will receive discounts on any of the 13 courses that we offer, all of which are listed on the website: http://
As shown in the promotional leaflet, you will also be eligible for 15% Discount on all Kryolan products.
Firstly, Choose a timing that you want to come they are listed below.
Secondly, make sure you call or register online to reserve your spot.
Thirdly, come with a pencil and piece of paper to make notes.
Lastly, we look forward to welcoming you to The Lipstick Makeup Institute.
Timings of The Demostrations are:
11.30- 12.30pm DAYTIME LOOK
1.00- 2.00pm EVENING LOOK
2.30- 3.30pm SMOKEY EYES LOOK
4.00- 5.00pm ARABIC LOOK
5.30- 6.30pm RED CARPET LOOK
All in all, we look forward to welcoming you all to the Institute.
Additionally, please send us a private email to: info@thelipstickmakeup.ins
At the same time we really look forward to welcoming you all.
Being that we have so much to show you the whole team are super excited to share our knowledge and tips with you all.
By all means you can also book a private consultation with a teacher so let us know.
For the most part we are free any day of the week to answer questions for you.
Both me and the teachers all welcome you to
The Lipstick Makeup Institute.
Beach Photoshoot at YH
Following the success of YH Studios Photo Studio, Yasmin Hussain had personal VIP Shoots available for you. Different from a standard shoot these are VIP appointments.
Furthermore, remember you are amazing and deserve the best. Hence you will call Yasmin at YH Studios Photo Studio.
Equally important is that Yasmin will listen to you. First thing to remember is that we are there to give you everything that you need and want.
For instance, we can try and divulge all your inner thoughts by establishing what your dreams are. Likewise, we can advise you too.
For fear that we will not deliver what you want, well don’t because we will.
However, if you feel more comfortable coming in beforehand for a consultation, this will be for free.
For that reason we will deliver all your dreams.
For the most part we will vary your shoot to give you wide opportunities. Compared to all other studios we are simply the best.
Firstly, drop us an email or phone call.
Secondly, Arrange the clothes that you need for your shoot
Thirdly, get your legs waxed and other parts
Lastly, put aside 4-5 hours and get ready and willing.
You can check for example the VIP Shoots on our website:
However, we bring our makeup team on the location to do touch up and fixing the hairs to look nice in the photoshoots.
we have professional team for many different kind of makeup.
Book your shoot and makeup services with us
Everyone should have one at least once in their lifetime.
You can call us on 05283 49964.
We are located in The One Tower, Suite 2901 Al Barsha, Dubai, UAE, “The Lipstick Make Up Institute and YH Studios”.