Category Archives: #mascara

سر الجلد ندي


سر الجلد ندي

كلنا نحب أن توهج صحي والانتهاء الرطب على الجلد. أنه يعطي نظرة جديدة وناعمة على الجلد، وبالطبع اتجاها المطلق. لتحقيق ذلك سوف أطلعكم على بعض تقنيات سهلة حقا والنصائح: استخدام مرطب قبل الأساس رش وجهك مع رش الماء قبل تأسيس تطبيق الأساس السائل مع فرشاة الأساس رش رذاذ الماء على وجهك تطبيق مؤسسة الحدث

Kryolan تلمع في طبقة رقيقة على وجهه رش وجه مع رذاذ الماء إضافة لمسة من البودرة السائبة على الوجه رش وجهك مع رش الماء فمن السهل والسريع. تبدو لطيفة حقا في حياته الطقس ولكن الصيف أيضا. حظا سعيدا للتجريب البقاء معنا لمزيد من تيس والحيل انظروا إلى الصورة أدناه لمدى الجلد يمكن أن تتوهج في ضوء الشمس. وتمييز تبدو مدهشة وتضيء

استخدامها إلى أقصى الحدود ولكن أولا نبدأ جيدة يشكلون ها ها ها. بمجرد البدء في تطبيق الماكياج في كل مرة سوف تحصل على أفضل. وكلما ممارسة، كان ذلك أفضل وسوف تصبح. من الأفضل لك أن تصبح، كان ذلك أفضل لك سوف ننظر. من الأفضل لك أن ننظر، والمزيد من الثقة سيكون لديك. لمزيد من الثقة لديك، وأكثر شعبية سوف تصبح. أكثر شعبية يمكنك أن تصبح أكثر راحة وسوف تشعر. أعتقد أنك نوع من الحصول على ما أقوله! كل شيء يبدأ مع حسن الماكياج! احجز لنفسك بالطبع معنا، ونحن سوف يعلمك كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته من شأنها أن تعطيك فرصة جديدة للحياة ها ها ها. حسنا. من تعرف؟ يمكننا ان نحاول فقط.

klna nahib ‘ann tawhaj sahy walaintiha’ alrratb ealaa aljuld. ‘


سر الجلد ندي
سر الجلد ندي



سر الجلد ندي

As I have said, a portfolio can also be useful when applying for makeup opportunities. 

All in all the course is about learning and about you. 

Above all we look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a look at our website to get some ideas. 

During the course work with photographers.

Because we have an extensive range of courses. However, if you just want to learn for yourself this is perfect. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

However, because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Although Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

However,  one thing we teach all our students how to behave as a makeup artist also and the etiquette of being a great one too. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Although don’t miss out on any of our latest blog posts, events, workshops, and special offers!  follow us on social media to stay updated with all the exciting happenings at The Lipstick Makeup Institute.

Finally Stay beautiful, stay inspired!

Make up live demonstration

Make up live demonstration

The Lipstick Makeup Institute was at Oracle today and was doing a live demonstration about the importance of makeup.


Before we went there to see all the lovely ladies we had to think of a few words to catch their attention. We had to let everyone know that we are The Best Make Up Institute in Dubai ha!


Although So This is what we thought of:


So we should call it the “Feel Good Factor”
A woman’s mood can change in an instant if hey look good, they will fell good. If they feel good they will smile and radiate energy thats contagious and positive and can only be a great thing!
Make up is a very important contributory factor to helping this. 
I will give young scenario. 
If a lady feels a little tired and has no make up on and she catches herself in the mirror, she will shy away an feel even worse than she looks and hence will have a lower tone on the phone and not project any positive vibes to clients or even friends. 
On the other side, if she has make up on and  she catches herself in the mirror and she looks good! she will feel good and radiate that energy to potential clients giving positive vibes throughout the office and can only be good for self esteem and for business. 
So the solution is, to make the most out of yourself every day to feel good and this is also goof for your health, marriage and self esteem! 
Are You agree?

Why are we using makeup ?

How to apply your makeup in 10 minutes?

What are the most useful tricks for a quick and good makeup?

All in all these questions were answered on our live demonstration.

We started with a light daytime look discussing about choosing the right colour of foundation, application techniques, contours and highlights and setting the foundation.

Afterward this step we were giving a brief description about filling up and defining the eyebrows.

Firstly Eye makeup – easy steps for a daytime application using all neutral colours

Secondly Mascara application giving a final touch for the eyes

How to apply the blusher and where to place it exactly, which colours are for the daytime look.

Thirdly Lipliner and lipstick application with a touch of a gloss was our finishing step on our lovely model.

Now we gave a situation to our Ladies of  usual everyday situation of no having time for makeup touchup for an evening time.

We added a bit of drama on the eyes, cheeks and lips.

Just in few steps you can easily transform your makeup from a daytime to a glamorous evening look.

Try to concentrate on the eyebrows, eyes, cheeks and lips.

Add more colour and more darker colour on the eyes, make the blusher stronger and add a darker lipstick on the lips its that easy to achieve an evening look.

Don’t forget to follow our blog and to contact us for makeup courses and makeup consultations.

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

Tun in for our next addition.

However have a look at our website so you get a better understanding of what we do. 



Make up live demonstration
Make up live demonstration

img_7266 img_7280 img_7281 img_7282 Make up live demonstration

Arab Fashion Week 2016

Arab Fashion Week 2016

We are so so proud to be doing all the hair and make up for Arab Fashion Week.

The debriefing with all the best make up artists in Dubai at The Lipstick make up Institute which is the best make up Institute in Dubai, in our opinion.

Tomorrow it all begins with the Kids fashion show and Lamya Abedin.

We will be updating the blog every day with millions of backstage pictures which is where all the action happens. We will put videos on. Instagram, Facebook and twitter.

We cannot contain our excitement. We have a team of about 45 Make Up Artists. 15 Hair specialist and 10 mail technicians.

It makes us so happy when someone is interested in what we are achieving.


When I think that we have only been open nearly a year!. Our 1st anniversary is October 13th. I am so proud of what we gave achieved. It just goes to show, together we can do anything.


Team work is everything.As I tell me teams, we are all as important as each other. We are all part of this wheel that keeps turning. Without each other then we are no as strong. The more the merrier. Thats what I have always said and as I am seeing, its absolutely  true.

We are so happy to have so many different teams joining us.


Thank you so much for their support. #resalonsspas, #brownsugarhairsalon, #nailmoda and #wissam

Thank you. See you tomorrow from a very happy Lipstick team and all our extended teams.

We will touch base tomorrow so see you then and tune in for more updates and behind the scene shots.


Arab Fashion Week 2016
Arab Fashion Week 2016
Arab Fashion Week 2016
Arab Fashion Week 2016

img_4261 img_4262 img_4263 img_4264 Arab Fashion Week 2016 Arab Fashion Week 2016 Arab Fashion Week 2016 Arab Fashion Week 2016

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Special Effects Old Look

Special Effects Old Look

Well, it is always fun to learn at the Make up institute but especially when its a creative special effects day.

Our student chose our make up school as she did here research from South Africa and decided that we were the best make up school in Dubai to teach her all that she wants to know and she was absolutely right.

The daily task was to to make a relatively young person old and just take a look at the results.

Using the best makeup in our opinion, Kryolan , you can actually do anything. Once you learn the techniques then the make up will allow yo to explore the possibilities of your talent and give you the freedom to push yourself to the limits.

I am sure you agree that the results are great.  All our photos are shot by our sister photography studio,  YH Studios DXB. They have been here for 4 years and are the prefect partner for a make up school. In fact, I don’t know how the school would be without it. Everyone make up school should have one. The results of any make up lesson need to be recorded and thats what YH Studios does. Our students have this great advantage and we are the only make up school in Dubai to have such a partner company.

See, learning is fun!

Please feel free to comment and ask any questions.

Here are a couple of videos from behind the scenes so you can see how we get our models into character.


Special Effects Makeup
Special Effects Makeup


Special Effects Makeup
Special Effects Old Look


Special Effects Makeup Special Effects Makeup

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Student Silver MakeUp Course

Student Silver MakeUp Course

Another beautiful souland successful student  has just  passed  through, “The Lipstick Makeup Institute” has successfully fulfilled her course and departed armed with knowledge and  skills that will see her through her next phase of life as a successful make up artist.

Our lovely Tatiana was graceful enough to have chosen Lipstick to educate her and fuel her with the knowledge that she will only get from educators who really understand their field.

In this industry there are a lot of so called , “Make Up artists” out there who don’t know anything! That isn’t me just trying to make out that we are better than anyone else I am just stating a fact.

Tatiana just finished , The Silver Media Make Up course.

Here is the description of the Course, if you are interested.

Silver Make Up Course (5 days 30 hours)

Creative make up course:

  1. Fantasy make up
  2. Avant-garde make up
  3. Special visuals make up
  4. Face (body) painting make up
  5. Stage make up

 What the students get:

A course booklet which provides step to step guides

Professional set of brushes to use whislt on the course

All make up will be provided by the school

Set of products worth AED500

Opportunity to work with professional models

The rare chance to work in a professional operating studio

Working with professional photographers

3 professional photo of the students work

After completing the course our students are entitled for huge discounts with different brands

            International Certificate

The Silver make up course is for a make up artist who wants to improve its skills in the creative make up field.

Previous knowledge in make up is required.

Just take a look at Tatiana’s final Portfolio she left the course with as all students leave with professional images taken by our sister company, YH Studios DXB

Student Silver MakeUp Course
Student Silver MakeUp Course

_MG_0082e Student Silver MakeUp Course

Although So if you want a Portfolio like this and the best training you could possibly have then contact us. We would would so glad and proud to have you come and join us.


Choosing the right school

Firstly, do your research on the web and instagram to see all the works from the students.

Secondly, give them a call to discuss the requirements and practices. 

Thirdly, call and see all the schools so you get a good feeling about the one you want to join and the course. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

Above all your clients will be so very happy. 



Congratulations to our Student

Congratulations to our Student

Finally we just want to wish our lovely student Heba Salad all the best with her career. The lady has just finished the Gold media Make Up course. Reba collected her Certificate and her photos today on her birthday. She passed her exam with flying colours and not only is that down to our lovely Sheba whom we will miss very much but it is down to our great Master educator, Livia.

This is the Gold Course Heba just finished.

Gold Make Up Course (10 days 60 hours)


1. History of make up and the fashion icons


2. Skincare and make up steps 3. Daytime look make up (theory and practice) and hair styling


3. Evening make up look (theory and practice) hair styling


4. Smokey look (classical)


5. European bridal (theory and practice) hair styling

6. Red Carpet make up look (theory and practice) hair styling

7. Arabic make up (theory and practice) hair styling

8. Bollywood make up (theory and practice) hair styling

9. Make Up for photoshoots (colour and black and white)and hair styling

10. Creative make up workshop and hair styling

12. Preparing an own concept for a photo shooting (hair and make up)

13. Examination theory (1 hour) and creating a make up look and hair styling (2 hours)

Although What the students get:

A course booklet which provides step to step guides Professional set of brushes to use whilst on the course

Set of products worth AED1000

All make up will be provided by the school

Opportunity to work with professional models

The rare chance to work in a professional operating studio

Working with professional photographers

5 professional photo of the students work

After completing the course our students are entitled for huge discounts with different brands International Certificte

The Gold make up course is for a person who wants to get a basic and short training of the make up artistry.


YasminvHussain, Heba Salad & Livia Rideg


Take look At hobbies Portfolio she left Lipstick with taken by our partner company , YH Studios DXB.

Congratulations to our Student


Congratulations to our Student


Livia is not just a teacher but this is her passion and life long ambition.

This is her! Looks a bit weird, I know, only joking ha!!

IMG_3817email 2

Congratulations to our Student

Personally I think Liv was born with a lipstick in one hand and a blusher brush in the other! A bit like this!!

Congratulations to our Student

Like I am to photography, by the way I am Yasmin Hussain, founder of The Lipstick Make up institute Livia is to make up!

Firstly, do your research on the web and instagram to see all the works from the students.

Secondly, give them a call to discuss the requirements and practices. 

Thirdly, call and see all the schools so you get a good feeling about the one you want to join and the course. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

However Please feel free to contact us via phone call, email or WhatsApp. We are here for you and we’ll always advice you and we’ll find the best option for you. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

Contact number & WhatsApp: +971 52 8497972 /+971 52 8349964

Learn Makeup on weekends

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

All our works can be seen on our Instagram & Facebook pages.  

Makeup Educators in the world of Dubai

However have a look at our website so you get a better understanding of what we do. 

With lots love your Lipstick Makeup Institute Team.

The Lipstick Make Up Institute on set of Tv Show!

The Lipstick MakeUp Institute on set

The Lipstick Make Up institute Team are on set for the next 3 days of TV show Colors Cricket Quiz 2016 In association with Studio House Video Domination. Proud of what we are achieving!

Today Studio House tomorrow Azerbaijan !! We are trying our best for all the girls who form our Teams. Lets see where it gets us guys!


We are trying to branch out and do everything we can to show case case our skills so from teaching make up and make up artists to fashion shows, models portfolios, advertising adverts, documentaries, tv shows, tv quizzes, you tube videos, real life fly on the wall shows to anything and everything that involves media , make up and photography.


If you like what we do and we are about then please apply to come on one of our courses or even come one of the team.


We are always looking to expand our network of great make up artists as there are a lot out there who claim to be and are not! People know that when the book a lipstick Team that we only have the best and all through my life I knew that Quality speaks for itself!


Only yesterday we  were contacted by the Director of Oriental Fashion Week which will take place in Paris, Europe in July to see if I could bring my Team over to look after the models! Great compliment! She said that she has seen what we have been doing and would love for us to take this role!


This is what being professional, efficient and great at your job does for you and all the girls that are selected to be in our teams are just that!


We certainly have standard at Lipstick!



The Lipstick MakeUp Institute on set
The Lipstick MakeUp Institute on set
The Lipstick MakeUp Institute on set

The Lipstick MakeUp Institute on set 13321871_10154211592765789_6041766278936437625_n IMG_0390

Additionally, watching tutorials and trying new techniques can be exciting. Each time we try something new, we get a bit better. It’s like practicing a magic trick until we get it just right.

Also, makeup can help us connect with others. Friends often share tips and tricks or enjoy getting ready together.

However, this shared experience can bring people closer. It’s a way to bond over a common interest.

In conclusion, makeup is magic because it boosts confidence, sparks creativity, hides flaws, teaches new skills, and connects people.

By all means check out our website:

 All in all, with a few simple products, we can transform ourselves.

Above all we,  feel like the best version of who we are. So, next time you pick up a makeup brush, remember—you’re holding a little bit of magic.



 Hi Everyone!
Our topic for today is all about highlighting!
You can learn what is the effect and how to apply
Before beginning your highlighting and contouring, you must first determine your face shape.  Faces can be oval, rectangular, round, heart-shaped, oblong, diamond-shaped, or triangular (including inverted triangular).  To determine your face shape,  pull all of your hair back tightly and examine your face in the mirror, looking for the following attributes.  A measuring tape may be used to measure the length and width of the face for a more precise determination.
OVAL: Oval-shaped faces have a length equal to 1.5 times
RECTANGULAR: Rectangular faces are 1/3 longer than the width of the face and have strong angles on the forehead and at the jawline.
ROUND: Round faces are as wide as they are long, but with soft, rounded edges.
HEART-SHAPED: Heart-shaped faces have the most width at the cheek, eye, and forehead areas, with a narrow to pointy chin.  Sometimes they will also have a high forehead.
OBLONG: Oblong faces are as long as it is wide.  Straight sides, a high forehead, and larger than average distance between the bottom of the lip and the tip of the chin are common attributes of the oblong face.
DIAMOND-SHAPED: Diamond-shaped faces are characterized by a narrow forehead and a narrow chin with the widest point at the cheeks.
Triangular faces are wide at the forehead and narrowest at the jawline; inverted triangular faces are widest at the jawline and narrowest at the forehead.Determining your face shape will help you decide where to place your highlights and contours and what features you’d like to define or downplay.

Highlighting certain features of the face can be super flattering for the spring time, if done properly. By illuminating specific areas of the face, you’re putting them in the spotlight, but don’t think taking a face powder with tons of shimmer and applying it all over will give you a flattering look. All good things must come in moderation (even glitter).When it comes to brightening any part of the skin, it’s always a good idea to stick with the “less is more” mindset. Take a look through the slideshow above to see some of our favorite celebrities exemplifying the highlighted.


Tip for the day: “Less is more”

Tips for Mascara and False Lashes

Tips for Mascara and False Lashes

 Tips for Mascara and False Lashes
 Size the lashes. Before gluing the lashes on, you will need to make sure they are not too wide for your eye. Hold the lash strips up against your eyelid, and trim them down on the sides if necessary.
  • If the lashes are too long for your personal taste, consider trimming the individual lashes down to achieve a more natural look. Lashes should be longer toward the outer corner of the eye
  • Apply the lash glue to the outer seam of the eyelash strip with an applicator or small brush. Allow the glue to dry for a moment before applying it to your lashes.
  • Alternatively, you can squeeze a thin line of lash glue onto the back of your non-dominant hand. Then, gently run the outer seam of the eyelash strip along it.
Place the strip on your eyelid, positioning it as close as possible to your natural lashes. Bring the strip down from above, not from the front. This is to ensure that you get as close as possible to your lashline.[1]
Allow the glue to dry naturally. Once the strip is in place, you do not need to press or hold it. [2]
Apply mascara to your lashes. This will help blend your natural lashes with the false ones, achieving a more natural look. You can use black, brown, or dark gray mascara.
Apply liquid eyeliner along your upper lids. Be sure to fill in any gaps between the false lashes and your own to make them look more natural. Use black, brown, or dark gray liner.
Use makeup remover to remove false lashes. Dip a q-tip in eye makeup remover and gently rub it along your lash line. Allow the remover to sit for a minute, and gently pull off the strip.
Tips for Mascara and False Lashes
Tips for Mascara and False Lashes
Tips for Mascara and False Lashes

Decide what you want out of your mascara. There is a mascara for just about any kind of lash enhancement–curling, volumizing, lengthening, defining, faster growth, waterproof–plus many products that combine these effects. Take a look at your lashes and decide what sort of enhancement they need.

  • For sparse lashes, look for a thickening or volumizing mascara with a large, round brush with lots of bristles. You can also find a combination primer and mascara formula, which is perfect for bulking up lashes and keeping them healthy.[1]
  • If you have short lashes, look for a lengthening mascara with a smaller brush with thick bristles. A small wand will allow you to get very close to your eye and make sure you coat each lash.[2]
  • If your lashes are full but you want length and definition, choose a lengthening mascara, but one with a long brush with evenly-spaced bristles to separate your lashes.[3]
  • To curl your lashes, try a mascara with a curved brush.[4]
  • For a natural, everyday look, find a mascara with a rubber brush and evenly spaced bristles. Lots of drug store brands have these types of brushes. Waterproof mascara will likely last all day.[5]
  • If your lashes are uneven in length or damaged, check the ingredients on the mascara. Phyto-keratin and panthenol can help your lashes grow. Use a fatter brush on your lashes.[6]
  • You should only use mascara for three months before replacing it, so go ahead and experiment with different brands and formulas until you find your perfect mascara.

    Pick your shade. For the most part, black is the way to go. It gives the illusion of thickness and length and can really make your eyes pop. If your lashes are red or blonde, however, make brown your go-to shade, wearing light brown for everyday and a dark brown to amp up the drama.[7]

    • Experiment with colored mascaras. Green can bring out violet in blue eyes, purple can enhance green eyes, and blue and purple can brighten your complexion.[8]

 Invest in an eyelash curler, while you’re at it. If you’re serious about getting knock-out lashes, an eyelash curler is key. This will lift your lashes and allow more light to hit your eyes so they look bigger and brighter.[9] It may not seem like it, but an eyelash curler can make a huge difference.

  • Look for a curler with a rounded rubber pad, which will help curl your lash instead of bend it at a sharp angle.[10]
Secondly Applying Mascara to Upper Lashes

Curl your lashes first. Apply the curler to the base of your lashes and gently squeeze for about 10 seconds. Then slide the curler to the middle of of your lashes and squeeze for 10 seconds. Finally, curl the tips of your lashes with another 10-second squeeze. This will ensure you have a natural curve instead of lashes that are bent at a harsh angle.[11]

  • If you don’t have a curler or you’re too afraid to use one, use your fingertips to push up and curl wet lashes.[12]

Remove the wand from the mascara tube by twisting back and forth instead of pumping it up and down. Twisting will allow the brush to pick up the mascara, which is what most people think they are doing when they pump the brush in the tube. What they are actually doing is forcing air into the tube, which dries out the mascara.[13]

Wipe off excess mascara on a tissue or on the lip of the tube. Too much product can lead to clumping. Giving the wand a little wipe will leave you with just the right amount.[14]

Look up to lift your lashes. You should still be able to see yourself in the mirror out of your peripheral vision.

Lastly, look great. 

  • If you are afraid you are going to blink when you approach your lashes with the wand, open your mouth. It’s harder to blink when your mouth is wide open.[15]

Place the wand against the base of your lashes and wiggle it back and forth a little. You want the most product to be applied to the roots, which will make your lashes look longer and keep them from getting weighed down on the tips.[16]

  • The wiggle will also help lift and curl your lashes.[17]

Pull the want out toward the tips of your lashes with a zig-zag motion, or another little wiggle. The zig-zag adds length and volume, and can reduce clumping.[18]

Go over your lashes with a second coat. Try to leave it at that–do a third coat at the most. The more you layer on the mascara, the more likely it is the mascara will dry on your lashes and cause the new coat to clump.[19]

  • Mix mascaras if you want–do one layer lengthening, then a layer of thickening on top.[20]

Don’t neglect the lashes on the inner and outer part of your eyelid. A lot of times, people apply mascara only to the very center of their eyelid, which can actually make your eyes look narrower.[21] Make sure you apply to the inner, middle, and outer lashes.

  • If you are having trouble reaching your inner lashes with your brush, you can very carefully bend the brush to a 90 degree or right angle (don’t worry, you can bend it back). This will make it easy to brush those inner lashes without getting mascara all over your face.[22]
Addressing Common Problems 
Remove any mistakes with a cotton swab. If you get mascara on your face or eyelid, allow it to dry so you don’t smear it and make things worse. Once dry, press the tip of a cotton swab to the spot and spin. This should remove the spot without messing up your eyeshadow.[26]

De-clump with a clean mascara wand. Either use a disposable wand or repurpose an old one (wash it thoroughly with soap and water first). Comb through the top and bottom of the lash, spinning the brush as you sweep forward. This should remove clumps and give your lashes definition.[27]

  • Try to comb through your lashes while the mascara is still wet.
  • If you don’t have an extra wand on hand, try using a clean toothbrush to comb out any clumps.[28]

Thicken your lashes even further with baby powder. If you don’t feel like you’re getting the thick, voluminous lashes you want, try this trick. Apply one coat of eyeliner, then dust your lashes with translucent powder or baby powder (you can use a makeup brush or a cotton swab dipped in powder). Then add another coat of mascara.[29]

  • The powder gives the mascara more to cling to, which allows you to build more volume.[30]
Remove your mascara every night with an eye makeup remover. It might not seem like a big deal, but it can dry out your lashes at night and cause them to become brittle and fall out.[31]
 Tip of the Day: Always curl your lashes before applying mascara not after, it can break your lashes.
Tips for Mascara and False Lashes
Stay tuned tomorrow as we will talk about
All in all we have our own Photo Studio with professional team the help you to make amazing portfolio of your work photos, trending reels.

Because portfolio is very important start writing your makeup journey by creating a portfolio of your best looks.

Above all, take pictures to track your progress and showcase your skills.

However if you wanna learn from our experts,  Join Now and become 

All things considered, I believe we at The Lipstick Makeup Institute are the best in Dubai. 

All in all Join Lipstick Makeup Institute and become a professional makeup artist and work with us on many different projects.

Feel free to call us any time or whatsapp us if you have any inquiry we love to help you and assist you +971 52 834 9964.


All in all we have our own Photo Studio with professional team the help you to make amazing portfolio of your work photos, trending reels.

However, Further more any inquiry feel free to contact

Special Effects Makeup Learning

Special Effects Makeup Learning


We love what we do here. The difference Special editing makes with Creative shoots. Enhances The Make up. Its a team effort. Our students on our courses get the chance to experience everything to do with make up and Photography and learn to understand the relationship between the two.

Special Effects Makeup Learning



Prosthetic makeup (also called Special make-up effects and FX prosthesis) is the process of using prosthetic sculpting,

moulding and casting techniques to create advanced cosmetic effects.

Prosthetic makeup revolutionised by John Chambers in such films as Planet of the Apes and Little Big Man.


The process of creating a prosthetic appliance begins with life casting, taking a mould of a body part (often the face) to use as a base for sculpting the prosthetic.

Life cast moulds made from prosthetic alginate or more recently, from skin-safe silicone rubber. This initial mould is relatively weak and flexible. A hard mother mould, typically made of plaster or fibreglass bandages its created overtop the initial mould to provide support.

Once negative mould made, its promptly fill with gypsum cement, most of the common brand is “Ultra cal -30 to make a “positive” mould. 

The edges of the clay should be as thin as possible, is a stand-in for what will eventually be the prosthetic piece.

Along the edges of the mould, “keys” or mould points are sculpt or carved into the life cast, to make sure that the two pieces of the mould will to together correctly.

After that once sculpting is complete a second mould. This gives two or more pieces of a mould a positive of the face, and one more negative mould pieces of the face with prosthetic sculpt in. Carefully removed and  material is cast into mould cavity. The prosthetic material can be foam latex, gelatin, silicone or other similar materials.

Its cured within the two part mould thus creating the beginning of a makeup effect.

One of the hardest parts of prosthetic make-up is keeping the edges as thin as possible. The tissue should be a thin so they are easy to blend and cover giving a flawless look.

The use of prosthetic makeup to create wounds or trauma is called moulage and is used by the military and medical schools to educate  lesson psychological trauma when exposed to the real thing.

Special Effects Makeup Learning

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