Tag Archives: #courses

Talented Laila on the Silver Makeup Course

Another amazing and talented student stepped out from the studio with her International Certificate for The Silver Makeup Course in Classical Glamorous Looks.

Laila Khan is originally Moroccan living in Dubai.

Her main aim was to study makeup as she is opening a Spa and Beauty Salon in India.

I would definitely suggest this to any salon owners to learn more about the services so they will be more into the whole business.

This is a wonderful thing to do. As an owner you definitely want to know what are your employees doing and also to get more knowledge about the services you are offering.

Laila was a very talented, patient and  wanted to learn as much she could for these 5 days.

It was really a pleasure to work with her.

Our focus was on glamorous looks and asian bridal makeup looks.  Bright and shiny colours, beautifully blended aye makeups and perfectly applied foundation were the main characteristics of her portfolio work.

As you will see on the pictures of her portfolio we really created a great asian glamour look feeling an all the pictures.

She finished her 5 days course with an excellent grade and wonderful exam work.

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All about the Eye Makeup


Most of us would agree that in the beauty world, eye makeup is the Holy Grail. While the problem often lies in finding the perfect eye shadow look, mascara wand and/or brow shaping method, once all these components are in place, you reach a state of beauty nirvana that can only be described as FABULOUS. However, reaching this place of perfection can be tricky because no two pairs of eyes (or brows!) are the same, so what works for one does not always work for another.

 We are always on the hunt for the latest eye shadow looks, brow tips and and tricks and eye makeup products that can be passed on to our readers and further support the cause for a better beauty world. To show our dedication and devotion to eye makeup, we compiled a list of our best tutorials that cover everything from eyeliner and cat eye tricks to brow-shaping how tos and neutral eye shadow looks. Get ready to play up those peepers!



Stay tuned tomorrow as we begin discussing all about Eye Make Up

See Yah!