First day of Plat 3
First day of Plat 3, 3 week Diploma Course.
This is a new and vibrant makeup Course. It used to be 6 weeks and double the price. After serious consideration.
We decided to make it shorter. Now it is more affordable and less time.
Not everyone has 6 weeks to do the course. If after the 3 weeks then you can specialise.
How many courses?
We have 14 different courses altogether to choose from. if then you want to do additional course.
Like for instance, a concentrated Bridal Course. You then can do an extra 3,5 or 10 days. Just on your chosen subject.
You think 3 weeks is long but no sooner have you started, you are finishing.
Time flies when you are having fun. Although this maybe true, you still pack so much in. Another key point is that we have small classes. The teacher has time to spend with you.
We are not like big schools with 30 in a class. We never have more than 6 students.
This way the teacher spends as much as time as possible with you.
It important to have that special attention. You simply cannot gain as much knowledge when you lost in the crowd for instance.
Above all. The Lipstick Makeup Institute is small but dynamite.
As can be seen, we get the best and most prestigious jobs in Dubai.
This is due to our care and attention to detail. As long as we keep doing what we are doing. We will get the best opportunities.
We always employ our graduates too. This is of the utmost importance for the school.
Another key point is that we are with KHDA. This puts us firmly on the map. It took a long time but we got there.
In fact it took over a year to prove our value. Once we did they was no looking back.

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