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Special Effects Makeup Learning

Special Effects Makeup Learning


We love what we do here. The difference Special editing makes with Creative shoots. Enhances The Make up. Its a team effort. Our students on our courses get the chance to experience everything to do with make up and Photography and learn to understand the relationship between the two.

Special Effects Makeup Learning



Prosthetic makeup (also called Special make-up effects and FX prosthesis) is the process of using prosthetic sculpting,

moulding and casting techniques to create advanced cosmetic effects.

Prosthetic makeup revolutionised by John Chambers in such films as Planet of the Apes and Little Big Man.


The process of creating a prosthetic appliance begins with life casting, taking a mould of a body part (often the face) to use as a base for sculpting the prosthetic.

Life cast moulds made from prosthetic alginate or more recently, from skin-safe silicone rubber. This initial mould is relatively weak and flexible. A hard mother mould, typically made of plaster or fibreglass bandages its created overtop the initial mould to provide support.

Once negative mould made, its promptly fill with gypsum cement, most of the common brand is “Ultra cal -30 to make a “positive” mould. 

The edges of the clay should be as thin as possible, is a stand-in for what will eventually be the prosthetic piece.

Along the edges of the mould, “keys” or mould points are sculpt or carved into the life cast, to make sure that the two pieces of the mould will to together correctly.

After that once sculpting is complete a second mould. This gives two or more pieces of a mould a positive of the face, and one more negative mould pieces of the face with prosthetic sculpt in. Carefully removed and  material is cast into mould cavity. The prosthetic material can be foam latex, gelatin, silicone or other similar materials.

Its cured within the two part mould thus creating the beginning of a makeup effect.

One of the hardest parts of prosthetic make-up is keeping the edges as thin as possible. The tissue should be a thin so they are easy to blend and cover giving a flawless look.

The use of prosthetic makeup to create wounds or trauma is called moulage and is used by the military and medical schools to educate  lesson psychological trauma when exposed to the real thing.

Special Effects Makeup Learning

All in All we are the best school in Dubai

Because we are experts.

Free Womens Day Redington Gulf

Free Womens Day Redington Gulf

We enjoyed giving the ladies  Free Tips and Tricks to make the best of their complections even for a busy day at office. Looking good always makes you feel great. Start with a good clean  face and putting on the correct foundation is the most important aspect of applying make up. Most of us are applying the wrong colour foundation. MOST Importantly, DO NOT test the foundation on your hand. You MUST test it on the face. The colour and skin on the hand is completely different.

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Redington Gulf

Amazing Opportunity For Graduates

It’s an amazing three days of experience we did VIPs and VVIP’S.

Although this maybe true, we alway call our graduates to avail opportunities,



The best thing is our work published all over the world now. We are insta famous. 


Celebrity Makeup School


We were so proud to have been chosen amongst all the celebrity makeup schools in Dubai.

And Lipstick got the job because we are amazing.

Graduates At Work Biggest Gig

We are small but amazing The Lipstick Makeup Institute prides itself for attention to detail.

Free Womens Day Redington Gulf


The residents who come from all over the world will need hair and makeup.  This was great opportunity for me to employ our graduates and students to help. 

We had around 45 staff to prepare the residents for the gala dinner with Kylie Minogue. It was a a formal dress evening and very glamorous. 

Everyone who came and sat in the seats were extremely happy. We had no complaints.

Anyway, furthermore  it was a complete success for the team at www.thelipstickmakeup.institute

This was the case  as we got booked for The Atlantis Royal 3 day event which was HUGE. 

New Show Team

All in all we have now opened a new team therefore ready for any event. 

Free Womens Day Redington Gulf

This gives us the leverage to cover any event, wedding, parties, openings.

as a matter of fact any big event. 

get in touch with us on +971 52 83 49964
