Blusher application & Choosing
Hi guys welcome back. Yesterday we talked about False Lashes!
Today we talk about blushes!
We have all seen those people that were far too much blusher and look a bit like a clown. This often causes many of us to stay away from blusher and not use it for fear of looking like a fool. The aim of this article is to explain the benefits of using blusher and how to apply it to get the right effect.
When Blusher is used correctly it will add a natural glow to the skin as well as adding contours to the face. It is a great tool and should appear in any woman’s makeup bag.
What Type of Blusher?
When looking for blusher you will find you can get it as a powder, cream of even a gel. They all have different qualities and it is a good idea to pick one that you feel comfortable using. The creams and gels will stay on the longest but the powders will come with more choice of colour. Powder must be applied over foundation whereas other types can be applied on bare skin.
What Colour should You Choose?
When choosing the colour of your blusher, you should first consider your skin tone and then, the look that you want to achieve. Now let’s consider the types of colours and how they work.
Cool colours – These are colours that tend to have a blue undertone and will add freshness and a healthy glow to your face. For light skin go for a pink and a plum or similar will work for darker skin. If you are wearing a brown or orangey lipstick don’t use a cool colour for your blusher.
Warm Colours – These will normally have orange undertones and they work best for contouring the cheeks and adding definition to the face. If you have a light complexion then you should think about using a light apricot whereas a burnt orange may be better for those with darker skin. Don’t use a warm blusher if you are going to wear a cool lipstick or a lip colour that has a blue undertone.
Universal Colours – These are those shades that generally come in between the cool and warm colours. The advantage of these is that they suit everyone and go with any share of lipstick.
Natural Colours – These are the neutral beiges and browns.
TIP for the day:
If you were at all worried about blusher you should not be now. Experiment, try different colours, just remember that blusher should be subtle and look natural
This will save you some time and money of course!
Although Don’t miss it!