Sisters Beauty Lounge with Lipstick
Being a model at Sisters Beauty Lounge with Lipstick are so glad glad to see you today with us.
As an illustration, our soul mates and partners in crime. We are texting like that not without reason.
However, for couple of years Sisters is our official partner on backstage of a 5th biggest Fashion Show in the world.
All in all this year Arab Fashion Council will celebrate universally . Arab Fashion Week Season 10 is going to be something really incredible.
However, today as usual Sisters styled our models with the best hairstyles. The Lipstick Makeup Team was not wasting time and spoiled our beauties with amazing makeovers. Week looks to be really busy and exiting. Will mention also that nail artists that join us this day did great job too.
Seems to be a model is really cool: nails done, makeup over & hair style. Would you like to try become one? What are you waiting fore? Call us, meet us, prepare your portfolio and don’t waist your time just dreaming.
How to get started
Firstly, models need to be 175 cm + , proportional weight and age preferably under 30.
Previous experience in fashion industry, run ways, modelling are always big big plus. Who knows maybe we will see you this season… Casting for Arab Fashion Week is already started.
Secondly, we want to motivate those who dreams, those who ready to came out of their comfort zone and view bigger.
Thirdly, we are here for you. Beauty model, run way model, makeup artist, photographer, videographer, hairstylist, designer… That’s just the beginning of the list.
Lastly, in the end of the day we are one big family.
Being a part of Fashion World Family is something really incredible. You are able to meet so many amazing people that sometimes you’ll be shocked, but that’s so cool. This strangers are making you grow and see wider picture of your life.
With love The Lipstick Makeup Institute & YH Studios DXB