Bridal makeup Course 9 Hours
Bridal makeup Course 9 Hours at Lipstick

Ladies come and join us for the Bridal Course application starting on the 16th February for 3 hours a day , 3 days 6-9pm.
Learn all you need to know with this informative course. Achieve the results you have always wanted.
Call us now to get your booked in, only a few places remaining.
Check out our work on +971 (0) 52 83 49964 and
Firstly, decide what kind of bridal look you want
Secondly, call us to discuss your individual needs
Thirdly, Book your date
Lastly, come and enjoy the course with us.
However, if you want to do more than one bridal you can. Moreover we are here to guide you and help.
As a matter of fact, we have won so many awards for our service. Our classes are small but the best. We don’t over fill the classes with students, we are small.
Our Awards
Global Awards however were very well deserved.
Lipstick teachers are so committed to our students. They really want them to learn.
All in all we love them. When they achieve its like a personal achievement for the school.
Our models are chosen correctly for the students to reflect the look that they are doing.
Makeup is in abundance and so many choices.
Have a look at our website and see the works and what they achieve on a daily basis. I am so proud of teachers and all in all the students.
However, they work really hard. Fully committed in the class and the studio.
All different shots are there from simple to creative.
Look at the solid work they do and at YH Studios our sister company we take the photos.
Its all included in the price. There are no hidden charges at The Lipstick Makeup Institute.
Come and have a look around and see fo yourself.
See you soon guys.