Category Archives: #makeupschooldubai

Day 4 of Arab Fashion Week

Day 4 of Arab Fashion Week

Another amazing, crazy busy day at Meydan Hotel. We are the major Sponsors of Arab Fashion week for the hair, make up and nails.

I am blown away by the camaraderie, support and respect everyone has for each other.

These events are something special that everyone just loves to be involved in, including me. Sometimes it make you crazy as the pressure and timings are sometimes unrealistic but its fun and exciting!

People respond better under pressure. What does not break us makes us stronger.


Here are some amazing shots from #yhstudiosdxb our sister company.

_mg_2856-copy_mg_2850-copy_mg_2824-copyDay 4 of Arab Fashion Week

Day 4 of Arab Fashion Week
Moreover,  get world experience is invaluable.

Therefore, offer your services for events such as weddings, photoshoots, or fashion shows.

Have a look at our website:

Also, each experience makes  your skills and builds your brand.

Additionally, don’t to start small.

Working at a makeup counter can gives good experience and increase your confidence.

In conclusion, becoming a makeup artist requires a lot of work practice, and keep learning.

Another key point, is by following these steps and staying positive is great.

Consequently, you’ll be well on your way to a wonderful career in the makeup world.

Also, with hard work  you can turn your passion into a fab profession.

Firstly, talking to people  plays a big  role in building your career.

Secondly, all in all, these  can lead to jobs  and great things.

For instance, you might meet photographers or models who need a makeup artist for their projects.

Thirdly, however, marketing yourself effectively is also vital.

Lastly,  as a result, having a strong presence on social media.


Things  like Instagram or YouTube can attract more clients.

Afterwards by showing your work online helps reach a more people to get you known.

Even more,  posting and engaging with followers can  boost your visibility.



Arab Fashion Week 2016

Arab Fashion Week 2016

We are so so proud to be doing all the hair and make up for Arab Fashion Week.

The debriefing with all the best make up artists in Dubai at The Lipstick make up Institute which is the best make up Institute in Dubai, in our opinion.

Tomorrow it all begins with the Kids fashion show and Lamya Abedin.

We will be updating the blog every day with millions of backstage pictures which is where all the action happens. We will put videos on. Instagram, Facebook and twitter.

We cannot contain our excitement. We have a team of about 45 Make Up Artists. 15 Hair specialist and 10 mail technicians.

It makes us so happy when someone is interested in what we are achieving.


When I think that we have only been open nearly a year!. Our 1st anniversary is October 13th. I am so proud of what we gave achieved. It just goes to show, together we can do anything.


Team work is everything.As I tell me teams, we are all as important as each other. We are all part of this wheel that keeps turning. Without each other then we are no as strong. The more the merrier. Thats what I have always said and as I am seeing, its absolutely  true.

We are so happy to have so many different teams joining us.


Thank you so much for their support. #resalonsspas, #brownsugarhairsalon, #nailmoda and #wissam

Thank you. See you tomorrow from a very happy Lipstick team and all our extended teams.

We will touch base tomorrow so see you then and tune in for more updates and behind the scene shots.


Arab Fashion Week 2016
Arab Fashion Week 2016
Arab Fashion Week 2016
Arab Fashion Week 2016

img_4261 img_4262 img_4263 img_4264 Arab Fashion Week 2016 Arab Fashion Week 2016 Arab Fashion Week 2016 Arab Fashion Week 2016

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Special Effects Old Look

Special Effects Old Look

Well, it is always fun to learn at the Make up institute but especially when its a creative special effects day.

Our student chose our make up school as she did here research from South Africa and decided that we were the best make up school in Dubai to teach her all that she wants to know and she was absolutely right.

The daily task was to to make a relatively young person old and just take a look at the results.

Using the best makeup in our opinion, Kryolan , you can actually do anything. Once you learn the techniques then the make up will allow yo to explore the possibilities of your talent and give you the freedom to push yourself to the limits.

I am sure you agree that the results are great.  All our photos are shot by our sister photography studio,  YH Studios DXB. They have been here for 4 years and are the prefect partner for a make up school. In fact, I don’t know how the school would be without it. Everyone make up school should have one. The results of any make up lesson need to be recorded and thats what YH Studios does. Our students have this great advantage and we are the only make up school in Dubai to have such a partner company.

See, learning is fun!

Please feel free to comment and ask any questions.

Here are a couple of videos from behind the scenes so you can see how we get our models into character.


Special Effects Makeup
Special Effects Makeup


Special Effects Makeup
Special Effects Old Look


Special Effects Makeup Special Effects Makeup

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Congratulations to our Student

Congratulations to our Student

Finally we just want to wish our lovely student Heba Salad all the best with her career. The lady has just finished the Gold media Make Up course. Reba collected her Certificate and her photos today on her birthday. She passed her exam with flying colours and not only is that down to our lovely Sheba whom we will miss very much but it is down to our great Master educator, Livia.

This is the Gold Course Heba just finished.

Gold Make Up Course (10 days 60 hours)


1. History of make up and the fashion icons


2. Skincare and make up steps 3. Daytime look make up (theory and practice) and hair styling


3. Evening make up look (theory and practice) hair styling


4. Smokey look (classical)


5. European bridal (theory and practice) hair styling

6. Red Carpet make up look (theory and practice) hair styling

7. Arabic make up (theory and practice) hair styling

8. Bollywood make up (theory and practice) hair styling

9. Make Up for photoshoots (colour and black and white)and hair styling

10. Creative make up workshop and hair styling

12. Preparing an own concept for a photo shooting (hair and make up)

13. Examination theory (1 hour) and creating a make up look and hair styling (2 hours)

Although What the students get:

A course booklet which provides step to step guides Professional set of brushes to use whilst on the course

Set of products worth AED1000

All make up will be provided by the school

Opportunity to work with professional models

The rare chance to work in a professional operating studio

Working with professional photographers

5 professional photo of the students work

After completing the course our students are entitled for huge discounts with different brands International Certificte

The Gold make up course is for a person who wants to get a basic and short training of the make up artistry.


YasminvHussain, Heba Salad & Livia Rideg


Take look At hobbies Portfolio she left Lipstick with taken by our partner company , YH Studios DXB.

Congratulations to our Student


Congratulations to our Student


Livia is not just a teacher but this is her passion and life long ambition.

This is her! Looks a bit weird, I know, only joking ha!!

IMG_3817email 2

Congratulations to our Student

Personally I think Liv was born with a lipstick in one hand and a blusher brush in the other! A bit like this!!

Congratulations to our Student

Like I am to photography, by the way I am Yasmin Hussain, founder of The Lipstick Make up institute Livia is to make up!

Firstly, do your research on the web and instagram to see all the works from the students.

Secondly, give them a call to discuss the requirements and practices. 

Thirdly, call and see all the schools so you get a good feeling about the one you want to join and the course. 

Lastly, make sure you choose the exact right course for you so you can benefit from all the knowledge. 

However Please feel free to contact us via phone call, email or WhatsApp. We are here for you and we’ll always advice you and we’ll find the best option for you. 

Afterwards you will reap all the rewards of the best education and this will serve you well. 

By and large you will leave The Lipstick Makeup Institute packed with all skills to start your own business.

Contact number & WhatsApp: +971 52 8497972 /+971 52 8349964

Learn Makeup on weekends

All in all Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

All our works can be seen on our Instagram & Facebook pages.  

Makeup Educators in the world of Dubai

However have a look at our website so you get a better understanding of what we do. 

With lots love your Lipstick Makeup Institute Team.



 Hi Everyone!
Our topic for today is all about highlighting!
You can learn what is the effect and how to apply
Before beginning your highlighting and contouring, you must first determine your face shape.  Faces can be oval, rectangular, round, heart-shaped, oblong, diamond-shaped, or triangular (including inverted triangular).  To determine your face shape,  pull all of your hair back tightly and examine your face in the mirror, looking for the following attributes.  A measuring tape may be used to measure the length and width of the face for a more precise determination.
OVAL: Oval-shaped faces have a length equal to 1.5 times
RECTANGULAR: Rectangular faces are 1/3 longer than the width of the face and have strong angles on the forehead and at the jawline.
ROUND: Round faces are as wide as they are long, but with soft, rounded edges.
HEART-SHAPED: Heart-shaped faces have the most width at the cheek, eye, and forehead areas, with a narrow to pointy chin.  Sometimes they will also have a high forehead.
OBLONG: Oblong faces are as long as it is wide.  Straight sides, a high forehead, and larger than average distance between the bottom of the lip and the tip of the chin are common attributes of the oblong face.
DIAMOND-SHAPED: Diamond-shaped faces are characterized by a narrow forehead and a narrow chin with the widest point at the cheeks.
Triangular faces are wide at the forehead and narrowest at the jawline; inverted triangular faces are widest at the jawline and narrowest at the forehead.Determining your face shape will help you decide where to place your highlights and contours and what features you’d like to define or downplay.

Highlighting certain features of the face can be super flattering for the spring time, if done properly. By illuminating specific areas of the face, you’re putting them in the spotlight, but don’t think taking a face powder with tons of shimmer and applying it all over will give you a flattering look. All good things must come in moderation (even glitter).When it comes to brightening any part of the skin, it’s always a good idea to stick with the “less is more” mindset. Take a look through the slideshow above to see some of our favorite celebrities exemplifying the highlighted.


Tip for the day: “Less is more”

Lipstick make Up Team at Mori Sushi

Lipstick make Up Team at Mori Sushi had a fabulous night was had by everyone in Downtown Dubai. The event was t mark the opening of the new restaurant where over 200 people gathered to mark the occasion with amazing gives from the DJ, wonderful sushi, great makeup for the Lipstick make Up Institute Team. Many joined in the theme of the evening by wearing onesies which was just great fun to see.


Lipstick make Up Team at Mori Sushi 13179283_10154174262770789_347042618329332072_n 13139378_10154174262595789_1018303765613302399_n

The flow of ladies just kept coming and were great sports and participated in all the nights fun.

Although its amazing to see just how make up with the right technique can change a persons attitude and makes everyone feel part of a culture.

At The Lipstick make Up Institute we are always creating and having fun with our students on courses. Check out our Facebook page and see the diverse range of make up looks we do

Our sister company : YH StudiosDXB      

Is part of the whole set up and this is why our students get the best of everything, make up, teaching, creativity, location shoots, studio shoots etc.

Check out our images, you will love them.

Our main photographer, Yasmin is from the UK and has been a photographer for over 26 years and works closely with the students so that they understand the relationship between make up and photography.


Although please check out our courses. We have a range from 1 hour to 6 weeks. This is our passion too its not just a business, we do what we love and love what we do. Teaching is easy as our students really want to learn even if its just to learn how to apply their make up on themselves. Learn about contouring, Highlighting, how to apply the lipstick correctly. Its  very thin line between applying make up correctly and un correctly. Get it wrong and the whole look does not work! You look like a painted doll. Call us on +971 52 83 49964 for advice on our courses.


However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

All in all we look forward to seeing you at
The Lipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.

because we will welcome you with open arms. Bring your friends too. 

Also Feel free to ask any question on our official email or instagram

Basically we are one of the best celebrity makeup school in Dubai.

Although we soon launch our online portal as well. 

Lipstick make Up Team at Mori Sushi

Event At The Versace Hotel Dubai

Event At The Versace Hotel Dubai

The Lipstick Team will creating amazingly glamorous looks for the Models to float down the Catwalk on Saturday 14th May at The Versace Hotel Dubai Creek.

The team is really excited to be working together and to be part of such a high end event.

Makeup Team at
The Versace Hotel Dubai

Moreover makeup artist and hairs artist team was there to do celebrities all over the world.

All in all it’s a very beautiful environment, after all we plan from a weeks and we did it.

Amazing Opportunity

It’s an amazing two days of experience we did VIPs and VVIP’S.

The best thing is our work published all over the world now. So we are insta famous. 

Shot on the front is a combination of The Lipstick make Up Institute and YH Studios Photography.

Event At The Versace Hotel Dubai
Event At The Versace Hotel Dubai

We are proud to serve our makeup and hair services.
The Versace Hotel Dubai on biggest event on the globe.

Celebrity Makeup School


We were so proud to have been chosen amongst all the celebrity makeup schools in Dubai.  Lipstick got the job as a result we are amazing.

Small but amazing The Lipstick Makeup Institute prides itself for attention to detail.

Because we are a boutique makeup school but dynamic. therefore producing amazing results. 


And NOW is your’s another chance to be a part of our team and become a PRO!



Because all of this was the vision of Yasmin Hussain, owner of YH Studios and The Lipstick Makeup Institute. She believes that integrating a photography studio and a makeup school would work hand in hand in the growth of our students. 

The International Platinum Course
This course is for 3 weeks. Timing is from 10AM to 4PM Monday-Friday.

Further more details get in touch.

Contact number & WhatsApp: +971 52 834 9964


Don’t miss such a great opportunity and book your seat now 6 students in a group.

Join Lipstick Makeup Institute and become a professional makeup artist

With lots love your Lipstick Makeup Institute Team.

Student The Silver Make Up Course

Student The Silver Make Up Course

We are so proud of our Leila who progressed so much in her 5 days with us. She achieved An International Certificate and 3 amazing images for her Portfolio which is all included as part of the Makeup  Course. We have our sister company , YH Studios DXB who are always very involved with the students explaining just how the lights react with make up. Media Make Up is  completely diffrent makeup just for events, parting or just going out.

This is the great advantage that having a professional photography studio as part of the package. The students on the courses gain such a great advantage as they understand and can apply all the tips and techniques to their working life once they leave the comfort of our Institute.

We are like a family here with knowledge and experience to share!

Just look at the images that Leila left The Lipstick Makeup Institute with. I am very proud of her achievements.

There are so many makeup Artists who do not have any professional images. Com e and join us and get the best of everything!

Student The Silver Make Up Course

Student The Silver Make Up Course
Student The Silver Make Up Course




Self Makeup Course 2 Days

Firstly, learn Makeup on your own in 2 days of class its totals 9 hours course.

Secondly, they decided they need to learn to do their own makeup properly.

Thirdly,  ,they contacted us and thirdly now they save so much money doing their own makeup. It’s just a win-win situation.

Lastly, our expert guide you everything which brushes you need which products are good for your skin.

Basically you just need your brushes to start we provide makeup and everything.

The Lipstick Makeup Institute in one of the Leading School in UAE

Before learning how to put your own makeup is very important especially because appearance in the workplace is essential.

When looking for a job, the first thing an employer looks at is someones photograph. In a job interview, a person’s appearance is something someone checks out. 

This Course is very suitable for those who need makeup on daily basis for work , Events, basically its necessary for everyone.


When working in the service business especially, it’s important to have your makeup done impeccably so that your clients will feel at ease when you talk to them. 

Enroll Now for your self makeup course before its full as we have only 6 seats in 1 class.


Smokey Eyes

Smokey Eyes

Smokey Eyes Look Is a perfect makeup look for photo shoots, high fashion looks and for fashion shows. Basically its a simple full smokey look on the top with a transparent lip gloss. The steps of application are the same as the classical one. We need to make sure that the base (eye shadow) is strong ( 2 layers and blended).

Smokey Eyes

Finish the whole makeup and exactly before the photo shooting or stage apply the lip gloss in one thick layer, carefully not to mess up the eye shadows and blending.

Smokey Eyes Application

Apply a transparent (clear) lip gloss on the top of eye shadows, especially on the centre of the lid (moving area of the eye) with a flat eye shadow brush. If you want to create a full wet look on the face you can apply the lip gloss on the high point of the face (top of cheekbones, bridge of the nose, chin, centre of the forehead). The look is ready for the shooting or for the stage. This look is not an everyday makeup.

Smokey Look

The smokey is for fashion shoes or photo shoots. The eye makeup will be spoiled by the lip gloss so make sure that you are in time and quick. The other two ways of creating a wet look is with Vaseline and the 8 hours cream.

Our Platinum students get a chance to work with us in amazing projects such as this which you won’t find anywhere else in Dubai.

So, what are you waiting for? Our next batch of the Platinum Makeup Course is on  3rd June  2024. Together, let’s explore the amazing world of makeup.

Although if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 052 834 9964 or email us at

Check us here

You can also check out or students work at:

The magical TV Stick foundation

The magical TV Stick foundation

The absolutely favourite full coverage foundation is the Kryolan TV Paint Stick not only makeup artists but anyone loves it who wants a flawless skin just in few strokes.

As a texture is dry and giving a semi matte finish. Perfect for combination skin and effectively reduces the shiny on the oily skin also.

Mostly used in theatre, TV, bridal makeup but can be used for any occasion.

No primer required before the TV Stick. The foundation  will stay for more than 12 hours on our skin with just applying  the TV stick on a plain skin. What is really important to make sure that the skin is dry (not over moisturised and wet because of the moisturiser or primer).  In this case the foundation will stick to the skin and in 40 minutes will absorb.

Because its full coverage we can use it for creating drag makeup and its perfect in blocking out the eyebrows also.

The application can be with a foundation brush and the latex sponge also.


The magical TV Stick foundation

The before and after picture of the Kryolan TV Stick Foundation application

kryolan tvp-2tv-paint-stick

Tip of the day:  apply the TV Stick with a wet sponge for a  natural look if you need more coverage apply the TV Stick foundation with foundation brush.

This way they get to learn just how makeup should look and be applied for Media Makeup.

Makeup for photography is very different from daily makeup. We are a Fashion Photography Studio so the courses we offer are exciting and get our students feel free to show creativity at its peak.

All in all our main aim is to train and guide. Our students to be professional, practical, quick and precise in their job.


Stay tuned guys as tomorrow you can read about the HD foundations.

However, Furthermore any inquiry feel free to contact

All in all we look forward to seeing you at
TheLipstick Makeup Institute, give us a call anytime on
+971 (0) 528349964.