Lipstick Makeup Institute Students First Fashion show
Lipstick Makeup Institute Students First Fashion show
This took place @ V11 last week.
Last Friday, June 22 2018, we were able to collaborate with a couple of wonderful designers, SORAYA B. COUTURE and VAROIN MARWAH at VII DUBAI in Conrad Hotel. In cooperation with Fashion TV, our students from the Lipstick Makeup Institute created the looks for the models before they marched their way into the runway. The beautiful models came out with a mixture of blinding gold highlights and fuschia pink cheeks Avant Garde looks.

With the guidance of one of our teachers and the coordinator, the students were challenged to finish their makeup look within 10-15 mins per model in their first ever fashion show.

The YH Studios crew also took photos and videos for the event.

Models lining up to get their looks done.

It was a jam-packed show. The models adorning the designs by Soraya and Varoin gleamed on the cat-walk.

They owned it as they felt so confident in their attire. Shining bright with Soraya’s gowns and make up that gave them confidence to hold their heads up high.
The students are in their last week of training. 6 weeks of intensive training. They started with not much knowledge and now they are leaving with so much that they are bursting at the seams.
They are ready to tackle the outside world and start using all that have learnt along the way.
covered everything from the no makeup look to special effects. One end of the spectrum to the next!
I am so so proud of them that I could cry! It always makes me so happy. I love my students!!