The Perfect Lips : I remember not even that long ago having big full lips were a bad thing, you kind of became a target for school bullies but now big lips are the in thing.
We wanted to share a few tips to get the perfect lips. Whether you hitting the town or going to work can make you lip look full and healthy without any surgery.
First thing first,
if you are a smoker STOP now. You need to take care of those luscious lips of yours by keeping them hydrated and

moisturised. If you are living in Dubai or any country where the sun is very strong you need to protect lips.
Make sure your lip balm has at least SPF 30. As everyone knows, the best thing for beautiful skin is to make sure you drink plenty of water and eat good food.
If you tend to get dry lips stay away from any minty/menthol ingredients, they will dry them out even more, instead you want to look for balms with oils and lactic acid, these penetrate through your skin helping repair your lips to have soft skin.
We all exfoliate in the shower, so why stop there. Your lips also shed skin so its important to exfoliate them as well,
a great cheap tip is to get an old toothbrush in curlier movements brush you lips to get the dead skin cells away.
This will also stimulate your skin sells improving collagen which will help slow down the ageing process.
There are so many products on the market that can help plum your lips without having surgery.
You can get pluming glosses that are very effective, also the best thing to make your lips look more plum is MakeUp of course. The tips below will help you achieve the fuller look without spending 1000s in a clinic.
The Perfect Lips