Tag Archives: red

Skin types

Lets talk about skin types

The first thing we need to do is to find out what is  our skin type.

  1. If your skin have a healthy glowing and  feels smooth then you are the lucky one who have a normal skin.

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2. Matte, dry and peeling skin is a dry skin.

3.Shiny at the T zone (centre of the forehead and bridge of the nose) the rest of the face is dry this will be a combination skin. 


4.Shiny sometimes with pimples and have a greasy touch is the oily skin


5.Your skin becomes red after every single touch even after washing your face with just water its a sensitive skin. 

Now we know our skin type so we  can start with the skin care and choosing the right makeup products.

Don’t forget it is essential to take care of your skin, no perfect makeup without a beautiful skin you can buy the best makeup products but if your skin is not cleaned and moisturised your makeup will look dull.